Jerilderie - NSW



DEG: -35.35664 145.728912
DMS: 35º 21' 23.9" S 145º 43' 44.08" E
UTM: 55 H 6086664mN 384513mE
Altitude: 111.02m


Place Type

Population - Town


281.16kms North of Melbourne - Driving 323 km (3 hours 39 mins)
309.79kms West of Canberra - Driving 407 km (4 hours 25 mins)
651.37kms East of Adelaide - Driving 749 km (8 hours 41 mins)

Address & Contact

15 Bolton St
Jerilderie NSW 2716
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Jerilderie, which means Reedy Place, is the gateway to the Kidman Way. Back in 1879, the town was visited by Ned Kelly and his gang, where they held up the local bank - taking some thirty people hostage. They fled with 2,140 pounds before Kelly and his gang walked to the Telegraph Office and cut down the telegraph poles thus isolating the town for two days. These days, history can be revisited with a tour of the Ned Kelly Post Office, and ‘The Willows’ museum. The town is famous for producing wool, rice, wheat, canola, and fresh produce, The Jerilderie Shire produces 24% of the national tomato crop using irrigation farming.
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Closest Weather Station

Deniliquin at 17/04:00am EST
Distance from Jerilderie 74.31km W
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Tocumwal Airport
Distance from Jerilderie 52.46km S
Mean Max. °C31.831.428.023.018.414.813.915.818.822.426.729.4
Mean Min. °C16.
Mean Rain mm32.429.834.831.740.943.942.343.139.143.634.233.9

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