Gymea, Flame, Spear or Illawarra Lily

Family: Doryanthaceae
Genus: Doryanthes
Species: excelsa
Main Flower Colour: Red


A giant perennial lily with a basal clump of large sword-shaped leaves over 1m long . In spring and summer large flowerheads up to 30cm across form at the end of thick stems that are up to 6m tall. Individual trumpet shaped flowers are deep blood-red, 10cm acroos, and produce abundant nectar.

Flowering start in September and ends in December.


The main flower colour is red. Very tall, robust stem supporting a head of large red flowers. Long, sword shaped leaves.

Views (per week)29


Bio Regions

Sydney Basin (SYB)

Region Specifics

Middle Rock, Anna Bay, Port Stephens NSW

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