Red Toothbrushes

Family: Proteaceae
Genus: Grevillea
Species: cagiana
Main Flower Colour: Red


This aptly named Grevillea is a large bushy shrub commonly between 3-4 metres in height. The slender upright foliage is a silvery green to 15 cm in length and may be undivided or dissected. The pink and cream flowers are slightly hairy. When the bright orange-red styles are fully extended the flowerhead bears a strong likeness to a toothbrush. The flowerheads are relatively small and extend from the tips of the upright branches and so are angled upwards and inwards. This results in the styles facing towards the centre of the shrub and not upwards or outwards as most other species.


The main flower colour is red. Small red toothbrush shaped flowerheads

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Bio Regions

Mallee (MAL), Esperance Plains (ESP)

Region Specifics

Dragon Rocks Nature Reserve, WA

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