Camec Triple Lock Door Trouble
Submitted: Friday, Mar 21, 2003 at 21:56
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Has anyone had trouble with their door pins ... they are the ones that hold the outer door to the inner door. There are three of them, they are about 40mmx30mm, held on by two Phillips screws and have a barbed pin that hooks into two round wires in the three door latches.
To test if they are holding make sure the two door halves are together and close door. Place fingers at outer door edge and pull out, dont force ... two of my three door pins dont hold even with light pressure they come apart.
Bushtracker referred me to Camec .... Camec have said " The door might not be installed square and the diagonals must be within a mm or two. I believe that there is more leeway than that but that is their line. My door is fitted square and shuts and locks perfectly.
The problem as I see it is the use of a plastic barb and round metal pins ... the square edge of the plastic bevels off and the round pin slides out easily. Maybe the pins come bevelled as there might be some injection moulding flash along that edge and is removed with a blade.
I also have to replace two of the three latches as some gorilla has over-tightened the plate screws cracking the backing plates. They have been like this from day one and I might as well do them now as I'm replacing the outer door pins.
Anyone had similar problems .... poor moulding and assembly being the cause ?
Reply By: Turist - Friday, Mar 21, 2003 at 21:58
Friday, Mar 21, 2003 at 21:58
Anthony Camec had a lot of problems with the plastics on the doors around that time.
The "out of square install" is a stock excuse for all the problems, even the breaking door locks.
We have been approached by many vanners, all types of vans, asking if we had door problems. The problem is not isolated to BT vans and for sure there was nothing wrong with my installation, they were ducking for cover.
The biggest problem with the door locks is that it is possible to lock yourself inside the van when the lock finally fails.
We were locked out due to lock failure and fortunately not locked in.
I threatened to take them on through Fair Trading and to start a class action by placing ads for support in caravanning mags.
I very quickly got full replacement parts at no cost
Reply By: Noosa Fox - Friday, Mar 21, 2003 at 21:59
Friday, Mar 21, 2003 at 21:59
We had problems with the 3 plastic taps not holding on the wires and the outer door coming open while driving. I taped it closed and used the water proof door to make sure it stayed closed until we got home. On closer inspection the plastic tabs appeared to have file marks on the side of them reducing the width of the plastic. I complained to Camec and they sent 3 new tabs at no charge and requested that I return the damaged ones to their Dandenong head office for inspection; which I did. We haven't had any more problems since the new tabs were put on.
Reply By: Deleted User - Friday, Mar 21, 2003 at 22:00
Friday, Mar 21, 2003 at 22:00
Camec are sending three tabs to a distributor near my place. Should have them by Wednesday .... I'll believe that when they're in my hand !!! MMMMmmmm !!! Cheap plastic moulding on an expensive door ... when will they learn. Sigh !
Reply By: Deleted User - Friday, Mar 21, 2003 at 22:01
Friday, Mar 21, 2003 at 22:01
I have now fitted 3 new "Latch Pins" as they are known in the cattledog. Door now stays closed still not happy with plastic crap but short of fabricating new ones in ally what can you do with a $800 door !!!!! Latch pins are 3 bucks each or so I had the chance to pick 6 best from 9 for spares box in BT.
Now on to Camec to get cracked $88 locks x 2 replaced .... might need vinegar instead of honey for them.
Pete and I noticed his top pin was not holding from new. To people picking up new vans check this before leaving
Bushtracker please. Bob, Pete and I might design and build a better mouse trap and corner the market ! <Smile>
Reply By: Turist - Friday, Mar 21, 2003 at 22:02
Friday, Mar 21, 2003 at 22:02
Get the three locks replaced as the centre one is bound to be from the same batch and will surely fail in the future.