SOG Toilet Ventilation Systems

Submitted: Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:30
ThreadID: 119841 Views:31787 Replies:15 FollowUps:0
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For some time now I've been looking at the SOG vent systems for our Thetford Toilets. Anyone been game to fit one yet ? It is basically a fan system for the tank as you open the blade a fan starts and pulls air down into the tank so no odour goes out of tank. A charcoal filter is fitted to tank door to stop odour as this is where fan vents.

No chemicals are added to tank so it can be emptied into all toilet systems in national parks etc that cant take (chemical) formaldehyde that stops anaerobic action of bacteria that breaks down waste. The recommendation is to bury chemical toilet waste. It draws power from connections to motor already in toilet system so is fairly easy to install.

Their blurb :
The fast and powerful ventilator immediately removes odours by suction
This downflow acts as a seal and prevents gases and odours from rising.
The fresh air that is drawn in removes new odours in the toilet bowl when being used.
Additives are no longer necessary and decomposition is guaranteed and accelerated by the increased flow of oxygen.
Ordinary toilet paper can be used.
Our Thetfords use Kit type "A"

For pics point browser at
If English version is not working try ...
Aussie Traveller in Bris has a brochure and is an agent for SOG.

Thoughts ???? Cost is $300 or so ... Am I to be the experimental sucker !!! <grin>

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Reply By: Turist - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:32

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:32
Anthony I think that this system might be ok for the lawnbowlers driving at 70k on the black but I have severe misgivings about whether it will stay working on the corrugations.
The waste and partly dissolved paper works its way all the way up the drain tube and gathers under the cap when travelling on these roads. It also works its way into the waste tank breather and stops it up. (All from experience)
The breather is easily broken internally and we carried a spare. (and will do again)
I am sure that the muck will travel into the breather fan in the system you are looking at. We had a look at that system last year but gave it a miss for that reason.
There are new chemicals on the market that claim to be safe for all types of disposal systems, septics etc.
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AnswerID: 558365

Reply By: Deleted User - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:33

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:33
Thanks for the input Bob. I saw it at last years show as well and I had not fitted one because something was niggling at me not to if you know what I mean. We've used PPottis' albeit in a tent since the first born. Your're right ! Why change sumthin that aint broke.
Good to have people in the group with real outback experience of BTs'.

Sorta like a member of BOG helping another BOG about his FOG with his BOG with regard to a SOG !

Sorry for that one !!! <smile>

AnswerID: 558366

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:34

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:34
Oh Anthony, very smart. We could have some real fun with this thing e.g. nothing worse than a BOG missing a COG about the SOG. Good job another BOG had used his NOG about the SOG. Sorry, I got carried away too! Hope you're not A-GOG about my choice of humour? Now I will try not to HOG this discussion any longer. Angie
AnswerID: 558367

Reply By: F Troop - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:35

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:35
....... Oh sh*t ....... you guys (n girl) crack me up. I am now worried tho. Having always dug holes and never used a thetford before, I have this great mental picture of stopping for lunch, midway thru a long corrigated stretch of road, and poor Graham does his business in the loo, then the god awful thing happens when he goes to flush. All the previous contents are nicely shaken (not stirred) and they go off like a shaken can of coke !!!! I think I will in future, ensure it's "Gents before Ladies"
AnswerID: 558368

Reply By: Deleted User - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:36

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:36
We also started with a shovel each, Jan. I remember one trip to Fraser Island cica 90. My wife and I positioned a large log for a seat high up on a dune. Most days we went up together sat on the log did our business while shark spotting in the surf.
Most people dont discuss the "toilet" but I'm a realist it doesnt worry me. Everyone has to contend with it though. I'll try to be tactful. <smile>

We keep a Coles spray bottle with a 40/60 mix of top tank additive and water in the cupboard above dunny. A spray of this just before number 2's makes the bowl very slippery so much less to clean. Any "marks" can be cleaned by turning nozzle of spray bottle to jet and spraying mark away ... very hygienic. The eldest child has this down to a fine art and leaves no mess at all. She says she times it and opens bowl disc at the critical moment and nuffin touches the side.
My aim aint that good (typical male according to boss) use spray jet again.
Dont expect dunny to flush like normal dunny its only a very small pump outlet and the more you pump the quicker the the tank fills.
To clean bowl every day or so I dont use a brush ... too abrasive on plastic bowl and too hard to store hygienically in van. I have a box of latex gloves and pop one on to clean bowl with just some dunny roll and top tank additive spray bottle. Paper goes into bottom tank peel latex glove off put in bin. Works well and doesnt scratch bowl. Tank doesnt fill up with cleaning water. If the pump ever plays up you can still use dunny just use spray bottle to clean bowl in fact most times we dont have to flush just use spray bottle. That way the tank takes heaps longer to fill.
We get about five days use with two adults and two kids parked somewhere with no dunnies.
I have two bottom tanks on board so have a spare. I have stored one full in back of F250 til arriving home that gives us 10 days without digging holes. I have fitted an external sewerage inlet at home and pour contents down that when home. A quick rinse with hose 100mls of bottom tank additive in, slosh about ... ready for next trip.

Hope this is helpful .... for tabu subject !! <smile> Bushtracker en suite should have a waterproof magazine rack ! Hehehehehe !!

AnswerID: 558369

Reply By: F Troop - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:37

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:37
Anthony, I have but one question. How did your missus get you to do the cleaning? I desperately need to know as nothing I have tried seems to work. In fact, all the blokies on this forum appear to be nifty in the cleaning dept., judging from the posts re cleaning of the Galaxy windows. Angie and I need some guidance, I think. And Mrs Motley (Jan) is probably in most urgent need, as having only just collected her B/T, she is probably about to give it a once over, so if we get to her quickly, then the bad habits won't set in. Thanks for the tips re using the "bog". I can see us trying to get to the same high standards as your eldest child. Should keep us amused for a while. Anyway, I'm off to Coles to buy a spray bottle........ Jan
AnswerID: 558370

Reply By: Deleted User - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:38

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:38
How does she get me to clean ? MMMmm !!! My wife tricked me into loving her some 20 years ago !!! <grin> Either that or she has a voodoo doll with a little scotchbrite in one hand.

Here is the real reason for all the guys ..... B.U.S.H.T.R.A.C.K.E.R.

Boys Using Sheer Heroics To Really Activate Cleaning Keenness Every Roving

And as you gals know ... you cant help love a hero ! <masked smile>


AnswerID: 558371

Reply By: Turist - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:39

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:39
Subjects such as this and answers such as these are the reasons that I will not let the missus read the forum.
She thinks she's spoilt because sometimes I help her to clean the BBQ plate!
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AnswerID: 558372

Reply By: Deleted User - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:40

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:40
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.
AnswerID: 558373

Reply By: Deleted User - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:41

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:41
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.
AnswerID: 558374

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:42

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:42
Jan wrote: "Angie and I need some guidance I think...." Sorry Jan, can't complain about Ivan with housecleaning - he probably does more than I do. Want me to get him to have a word with Graham about how its done? Maybe Mrs Motley will take you up on the advice though - she has 2 fellas to clean up after. Angie
AnswerID: 558375

Reply By: Deleted User - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:43

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:43
Dear Anthony, Graham and fellow BOGers,
When I read Grahams posting I was puzzled and could not come to any conclusion as to its intent but obviously Anthony was not , took offence and responded accordingly. Could I urge everyone to take a deep breath here. Anthony is right in surmising this forum should and must be suitable viewing by all family members. We all know that some things attact offence where no offence was intended. A flippant statement like "skinny little toyota things" may seem harmless and funny to the author but if you have a "skinny little Toyota thing" and that is all you are likely to have, offence can quite easily be taken. There is often a little suttle boasting going on in this forum and boasting can often imply a denigrating of anything oher than the thing being boasted about(if that makes sense). Rancour will surely destroy good intention and lets avoid it at all cost. Good natured humour should be recognised as such so lets not discourage it.
Personally I find the majority of discussions informative, humourous and entertaining and am looking forward to meeting with fellow BOGers when the opportunity arrives. I have had some stimulating(and lengthy.......SWMBO says "and you reckon women can talk for hours about nothing") telephone conversations with some of you and am grateful for it. Could I urge all members to re-read the charter as this is an excellent document to use as guidelines for discussion and once again I applaud the authors. Graham, could you please explain the intent of your posting. We are not on this earth for very long so bloody hell, try and enjoy every minute of it. I am reminded of the remark made by an "old timer" when asked about his life replied "what happened?" As one of those rapidly qualifying to fit that category I can sympathise with his remark. I find there is only six months an a year now(if that). Be Good and be Careful and lets all BOG on happily Nomad
AnswerID: 558376

Reply By: F Troop - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:44

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:44
Anthony, I apologise. My comment was a "tongue in cheek" reply to your clever use of b.u.s.h.t.r.a.c.k.e.r. I don't have a clever bone in my body and this was just your typical "pub" remark, said with a smile. I now realise that I should have added a funny character to the end of it, or not used it at all. It was not meant with any malice whatsoever and again I apologise to you Anthony and to all that my remark offended. I have now learn't the hard lesson of how different it is to type rather than talk face to face. Sorry . Graham
AnswerID: 558377

Reply By: Turist - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:45

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:45
Well spoken all.
One of the hardest things to do is to interpret anothers sense of humour when you have not met or are not in a "face to face" situation. The written word often conveys a totally different meaning to that intended by the author.
I am sure that everyone will have a better understanding of each other after a few rallys and a couple of campfire reds.

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AnswerID: 558378

Reply By: Deleted User - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:46

Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 00:46
After talking to Graham on the phone this morning I've certainly realised that the post was definitely not intended as the way I interpreted it. In my view a persons stature increases with a genuine apology. I hope my posting didnt cause you too much duress. Apology accepted.
Let's move on .......

BTW Graham, thanks for the pics re: the TFT screen position in the F250. Like you said" A pic tells a thousand words. Thanks to Motley I have the model numbers and hope to have it fitted before the Easter trip. And a bike rack on the A frame, so much to do, so little time.

AnswerID: 558379

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