internet access on the road
Submitted: Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 04:10
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Bushtracker Buck & Babe
hi all, anyone got internet access on the road, and if so what are you using? angie
Reply By: Motley - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 04:12
Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 04:12
Angie, This message is coming to you via an Infrared connection between my Notebook computer and a Nokia 6385 CDMA phone. CDMA provides wider geographic coverage than GSM. The speed is awful (about 10 Kilobits/second) compared with a dial up line (about 50 Kilobits/second). It's a connection but I suggest just for email, not for web browsing. I understand some Van Parks are now offering dial-up connections via a telephone connection at the Power Box. Maybe justification for a telephone socket/cable setup from outside the van to inside - but I think it's some way into the future and likely to be superseded by availability of Wireless networking in parks. In the meantime dial up via mobile is about the best available. Which explains why you will have to wait until I get home to see photos of Motley's new BT and layouts as requested.
Reply By: Deleted User - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 04:13
Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 04:13
Both well known "Sat Tv" offer internet connection, I believe, but standby with Visa Gold to pay per minute. I havent enquired, even though I have a dish, as anything Sat will be expensive. Plus if on the move setting up dish every couple of days would become repetitive. The Coden NGT HF Radio that a few of us have has provision for e-mail. For that you would probably need a Codan /Modem and connection to one of the HF phone networks ... VKS737, Radtel, Bushphone, Radiodata etc. HF modems are very slow !
I have a HF phone connection with Bushphone ... costs $115 per year and call charges are 1$ for first minute and 50 cents a minute with a max call time of 6 minutes ($3.50). We only use it to call business to "check in" every few days if out of mobile coverage or for emergency.
The HF has the advantage of receiving ABC Radio National from anywhere in the country and that gives you news and weather by just turning on a radio instead of setting up a sat dish. Has Royal flying Doctor contact frequencies and the four wheel drivers network which has 3000 plus members (VKS737). If say a family member is trying to contact you in an emergency and you listen to the morning sked broadcasts on HF they could call a HF Base and get a message to you to call home via HF Phone. HF has country wide coverage so within 24 hrs you could be in touch. The only thing better is a maybe a Sat Phone.
HF radio for the beginner can be a little daunting to use if you have no radio experience. The Codan is menu driven like a mobile phone and even looks like one. The other thing is the cost .... around $4000 installed for a NGT. I think HF is only needed if you travel off the beaten track and travel alone. I only have it, as I said, to contact our business while out of phone coverage the other features are a bonus.
Reply By: Turist - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 04:14
Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 04:14
To Anthony
Where do you store your sat dish?
I was thinking to make a support under the F250 canopy roof and sling it up and under out of the way, bit difficult to get it in and out though.
Other thought is to clamp it to the underside of the bed, access when bed is lifted.
Reply By: Deleted User - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 04:15
Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 04:15
I kid you not Bob I've laid awake at night thinking about this one. Huge, unwieldy things arent they. I have a Campersat portable which has a triangulated base that folds down quite well. At the moment I travel with it on top of the bed with some grip mat under it.
When we stop I place it under van locked to chassis if not using. Pain in left buttock !!!
My first thought was to mount under rear of BT between chassis members in a rubber mounted aluminium box but fitting 4th water tank in a BT18 took care of that spot. Next was a box mounted between stone guard and gas bottles but box would be huge there and have aerodynamics of a house brick. I dont have a canopy on F250 I made a deck lid from ally
50 x 25 x 3mm wall RHS and 3mm checkerplate. My tray is too full, firewood, tools, spares etc, to put dish in there.
At the moment I'm toying with mounting box on top of deck lid. I'm using a track system off a sail boat .... bolt two tracks to decklid at width of box, attach a boss in each corner of box, lift box on to tracks and click in. This makes the box fairly easily removed and stored when back home and decklid still looks ok with two thin stainless steel tracks on it.
I was even thinking of putting a pivot in box so I can take lid off box, lift up dish and rotate it 360 degrees to tune in without removing from box for overnighter. Might look like a bit of a lunar exploration vehicle but who cares ! Obviously you would take it out staying longer so you could drive vehicle around if needed.
I like your idea in the canopy and would not be any harder getting it out than me getting it off the bed and putting under van. Also yours would be better hidden from theft and more secure with canopy locked. You might be able to use opposing ally "c" channels inside top of canopy and say two nylon blocks attached to frame of dish. Lift dish up place blocks in track slide dish in .... the end still in hand lift up and attach and hold with a wing nut etc. You could then slide out and lower end on to tailgate then place a hand both sides and remove last bit. Sorry ! Just my brain ticking again !! <smile>
Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 04:16
Friday, Mar 28, 2003 at 04:16
thanks guys, again all good info. if anyone else thinks of something please let me know. our shopping list just gets longer and longer - bit scary isn't it? but does all this high-tec stuff do the washing up the hubby wants to know. angie