Thanks for the welcome Angie
Submitted: Wednesday, Apr 23, 2003 at 00:11
This Thread has been Archived
and hello to all. Have been quietly reading along for a while and am green with envy as we still have a bit of a wait until we can make our dream a reality. I am very interested in layouts and if anyone has experience with separate shower and toilet on either side of van to separate 'bedroom' from living space. We have very strange individual waking/sleeping hours when holidays permit so division is good for us. Also, how do members find the high style bed - Brian tall, Gai short. Is reading in bed difficult with being so highup and on the window? Am only on-line about once a week, usually Tues. morning so if anyone does reply to this please forgive any delay in my reply if one is required. Take care, Gai
Reply By: Noosa Fox - Wednesday, Apr 23, 2003 at 00:13
Wednesday, Apr 23, 2003 at 00:13
As for the seperate shower and toilet, I think it would be a waste of valuable space. You would have to have a long van to fit everything in, and then it would defeat the purpose of having an off road van because you wouldn't go too far off road. With a Fridge and cupboards it would be easy to seperate the sleeping area from the rest of the van, but then this encloses everything so much that it makes the van fell cramped. A sliding curtain may be the go. We don't find the high bed any problem getting in and out of. A higher step on the sides giving more room to store shoes might be a good idea for anyone who is vertically challenged. We carry extra pillows on our bed so that when reading we have padding to lay back on. By combining a shower and toilet the toilet area gets a good wash down daily, and it only takes a few minutes to spung all the moisture out after a shower to make it ready for toilet use later.