Tuesday, May 06, 2003 at 13:12
I afraid Griff may have contracted a very virulent psychological disease ….
Overloaded Fluctuating Follicular Rhabditus Obstructive AntiSerenity Disease or
a bad case of the OFF -ROADs.
Because of overloaded synapses periods of confusion are often seen bordering on
paranoia especially if within arms reach of a 4x4 magazine. Pallor from long
periods at the keyboard …. This is also the time when fingernail extremities are
bitten whilst staring into the screen. Sometimes the zest for the other things in
life can suffer because of the channelled energy going into the disease. Partners
need to be vigilant here some patients become so adept at hiding it they can become
asymptomatic. Periods of depression are seen but have now been diagnosed as periods
of frustration. Selecting products from 4x4 stores etc only to find the product was not
really suited to the task has become a benchmark symptom for the new patient. The
patient is rarely serene.
Cause is conjectural so far …. But in the Australian male perceived peer pressure
from other off roaders may contribute. Words like …. Outback, camping, tanami,
toyota, cania, beachside caravan park certainly invoke periods of longer rem during
sleep causing hollograms of 4x4 accessories to appear in a fog above the patients
head. The full list of words has not been explored.
Allergy regime seems to have some success …. Controlled small exposures to anything
4x4 building over time to increase immunologic response. Distraction has not worked.
Support from certain "groups" is vital as is tolerance and understanding from partners
and friends.
Once contracted can stay for life but so far can be controlled very well. Relapses usually
occur around birthdays and Christmas. May never be cured and partners usually learn to
live with it. Some patients are now reading 4x4 magazines with glee able to select a
product with a clear understanding and buy "right" the first time.
<diploma of grin>