Submitted: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 06:53
This Thread has been Archived
Hey Mates. I'm sort of developing a three part spreadsheet for Van Spec; Vehicle Spec; and Camping/Acessories Spec. I was laying it out as Essentials; Desireable; Nice; and Silly but Fun with columns for Make, Model & Price with another two or three sets of columns for Alternatives then Comments and Check columns. I was wondering if there would be interest in posting it here for the poor shmucks going through the whole decision tree exercise, trying not to forget the good stuff you learn along the way &, even more interesting, whether it is possible to have it available for you to add to (maybe email me & I could update in my system, then re-post & delete old version? - I'm new to all this Forum/Chat room stuff - don't know what's possible). I have already incorporated many of the inputs from the Gurus out there doing it (and even some from the Yet-to-be's still out there prowling around in the dark). Worthwhile getting it prettied up? Would there be any interest? Not that I'm taking any of this too seriously, wouldn't want to make the whole exercise Dull & Boring! (Thats for Angie) Griff
Reply By: Motley - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 06:55
Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 06:55
Griff, Sounds like a great idea. In the interests of maintaining the integrity of what could end up being a very valuable research tool, I suggest that you maintain the rights to update it and those interested in contributing forward their suggestions to you.
Reply By: Dusky - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 06:56
Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 06:56
Griff, I am in the same situation. Have established what sounds like a similar type spreadsheet that currently runs out at about 10 A3 pages. Most of the info is related to queries and comments. From what you have said in your posts you appear to be looking at similar proposals to me. My spreadsheet is not BT specific but would be more than happy to include it in the docs folder for use and comment by others. Great stuff Griff, keep the dialogue going, Dusky
Reply By: Dusky - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 06:57
Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 06:57
Griff, I tried to install my van requirements spreadsheet in the documents folder. Unfortunately, my computer system would not allow this action due to company security requirements. If anyone is interested I am happy to e-mail my scratchings. My e-mail address is listed under Member Tools. I am still some way off purchase and like Griff am undecided on some issues. One of the main issues is the fridge type (3 way verses 2 way) this has considerable solar power implications and cost. However, the bottom line is that a ruggardised van is required to live in for months at a time and undertaking bush camping for up to 1 week. Dusky
Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 06:58
Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 06:58
Just on the two way three way debate I wanted a three way initially but leaned towards the 12v because of doubts about three ways handling off-road, corrugations etc.
This might have been addressed to some degree by the Vitrifrigo three way with remote mount compressor ? Kedron Caravans famous/infamous video (depending how you view it) of the trip to cape via The Old Telegraph Track showed a Vitrifrigo in the van and it made it back without incident according to them.
I had a good look at them at Camec some time ago and they are a rugged looking item and if going again would have to go into them with my slide rule and microscope.
Against them would be .... they draw serious current on 12v ( my chescold three way draws 12.5 amp) they become inefficient if not level but with van level to sleep in the fridge would be fine. There is always a naked flame unless the modern ones work like the hot water system. My chescold (60l) uses about 450g per day (summer) of LPG a 200L might be quite a bit more ... grab the specs. The Vitrifrigo is a bit dearer once again check latest prices.
My fridge hasnt given any trouble but some have. Maybe the people giving them a good workout might be able to comment further. Brian's fridge has had a good workout even tested it on its side and Turists first BT had a good workout as well. Last time I saw Brian's the drinks were "very" cold !!!
I estimate that my fridge uses 1.6 panels (at 5.5 solar hrs per day) of my four and depending on other requirements in BT number of panels goes up from there.
Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 06:59
Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 06:59
Should the refrigerator topic be moved to a new thread? I'd be very interested to hear comments from those who have tried both 3-way and compressor versions. I read a comment from Collyn somewhere (I don't think it was here) where he said that tropicalised 3-way was the only way to go and that solar/compressor was less than smart. I hope I haven't misquoted him (as Kiwi ducks incoming summons..)
Reply By: Noosa Fox - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 07:00
Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 07:00
My only experience with 3 way fridges are with the Chescold chest type fridge freezers. We had one on a trip through the Tamami and Kimberleys and found we were using a fair bit of gas. We got rid of it and bought an Engel and then a second Engel and they both ran very good. When we travelled to Cape York with 3 other 4WD's, we had and Engel and the other 3 had three way fridges, all 3 had trouble with them, 2 stopped all together, and Engel purred along nicely. We also had to jump start the other vehicles at various times when they left them on 12volt at lunch time for a bit too long. When it came to the fridge in the Caravan, there was no second thoughts for me, I went for and would still go for the 12volt type. If they could be run on 240 volt when on a powered site like the Engel they would be even better. Basicly, I have found that with our 12 volt fridge, you turn it on and forget about it, and you can barely hear it running when you are going to sleep.
Reply By: Wadefarers - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 07:01
Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 07:01
After having similar experiences to Brian with firstly the Chescold (and a flat battery in the Alice) and then moving to the Engel, we certainly had no second thoughts about having the 12v type. Certainly keeps things cold and very quiet. Jeff