Generators - Let the sparks fly !

Submitted: Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:06
ThreadID: 120013 Views:2848 Replies:8 FollowUps:0
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I have reposted this to keep info together .... Anthony From Jeff ..... Anthony/Dave/et al Somewhere in the forum there was something about generators and the Eu2.0i that you have Anthony and a comment I think from Dave about a 3.3kva type. (I know that some of it is in this thread but I thought there was something somewhere else). Anthony - why would you change from the 2.0 and Dave - why would/do you have a 3.3 and what brand is it? Is the 2.0 not quite enough? I did speak to Bob (Turist) and he thought it was. I would like to buy a generator but am unsure what to get. I was considering the 2.6 or the 3.0kva from Honda but is it enough? Or would you buy 2 x 2.0's?? One thing I was concerned about was the running times and fuel tank capacity, 4hours/4 litres for the 2.0 and about 10 hours/13 litres for the 2.6 & 3.0. Your assistance/input would be appreciated. Jeff
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Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:08

Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:08
Anthony I think this discussion should go into the Options $ Extras topic. There is a lot of old postings already about generators nad good info is being lost in the ether.
AnswerID: 559128

Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:09

Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:09
G'day Jeff, Depending on what your doing with a genny determines which one .... For travelling as "we" do short trips means we cant usually run a genny of any description ... so I went for the EU2.0i. For me advantages are (over a EU3.0i ) Cost, weight, overall fuel consumption, not used that much, emergency back up if having a solar/battery prob, fits in cargo bay via outer door. Disadvantages are power is limited to 1600w continuous and because you cant run eco throttle at this output it is at its noisiest. Still not that offensive but much noisier than running at say 1100w on eco. Because of tank capacity run time is limited at full or near full output. If someone was travelling long and far I'd go for the EU3.0i on the drawbar in a dust proof enclosure (cost aside) for several reasons. The continuous output of the EU3.0i would be about 2400-2600w so would run the aircon/heater with its eco throttle on saving fuel and therefore possibly running overnight without refuelling. I also feel a EU3.0i running at half output would be substantially quieter than a EU2.0i running near max output. One disadvantage might be that because it is mounted on a-frame it might vibrate through chassis .... ok for daytime but sleeping ....? Could rubber mount if it is not already ? I know if you are in the scrub this is not as important (noise) but being able to run overnight without refuelling would be great. Running a genny out of fuel is a big no-no as the mixture leans out there by increasing the rpm beyond the governors control spinning the motor beyond its limit potentially causing over voltages at the output side. Honda might have this under control with electronic safeguards in the inverter gennies ? The other big advantage with the EU3.0i is you could possibly run your battery charger and air at the same time. Maybe not pushing 40amp but I think 20amp would be ok ! Trust Collyn to go walkabout !!!! [wink] I seriously thought about going with the 2 x EU2.0i ... gives 3200 continuous. From memory was a bit cheaper, gives you a spare if one has a problem, is almost exactly half the weight and if only needing a battery top up or a cool/warm van for a few hours start only one. With the 2 x EU2.0i you could run air and 40amp charger at same time and with just air on and two going eco would be on .... Probably no better off now !!!! Sorry !!! [wink] Regards Anthony
AnswerID: 559129

Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:10

Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:10
I might just add that 80kg (EU3.0i) plus say another 10-20kg for mounting/enclosure giving about 100kg extra on drawbar is to me a bit worrying. If you are looking for more ballweight ok but if not ? The 2 x 2's only weigh 42kg plus box . If you keep the 3.0i back a metre plus from hitch point you should lose around 20-25% of the weight to the axle. Anthony
AnswerID: 559130

Reply By: Wadefarers - Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:11

Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:11
Thanks Anthony. Isn't it good to have conundrums? Just when you think it could be simple it ends up being damned hard. A little more homework warranted I think on actual needs. By the way, we stayed at Kingaroy while up that way 2 weeks ago, how cold is that place!!!!!! I though Queensland was supposed to be warm. The first night there made the decision on getting the Webasto fitted really easy. Regards Jeff
AnswerID: 559131

Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:12

Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:12
G'day Jeff, Webasto country alright ..... I lurked around Kingaroy as a youngster. I learnt to drive in the peanut paddocks eventually putting the FX tilly into the dam ! Have a good mate in Nanango (nearby) and the last time I was there I swear the sheep were wearing ugh boots ..... and shivering. Had the BT near his shed plugged in of course ... I remember one time in the Bunya Mountains outside Kingaroy my wife and I camped there (girlfriend then) on a motorbike. Is the only time I've ever slept with a helmet, gloves and scarf on .....both of us !!! We had tinned spaghetti for dinner and breakfast warmed in the tin via a small fire. She must have been in love ... why else would a girlfriend do that ? [wink] Come a long way with the "Novotel on wheels" we all have now ! Anthony
AnswerID: 559132

Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:13

Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:13
Hi Jeff, Sorry to say that unless their is another Dave IN the group you must have your details mixed up.Is there another Dave?? Dave as (Pentreath) does not have a generator. He is too much of a purist , so the comments on generator did not come from him Joan
AnswerID: 559133

Reply By: Wadefarers - Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:14

Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:14
Joan The comment about the 3.3kva generator came from Cobradave in message 9 under "Bushtracker in a Frosty Paddock" which I found last night. I couldn't find it when I sent the thread. I would like to be a purist but having the power go off was no fun!! Regards Jeff
AnswerID: 559134

Reply By: Noosa Fox - Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:15

Tuesday, Jul 08, 2003 at 01:15
For all those members who have an F250 with a power take off, has anyone considered fitting a generator off the PTO. When I was a volunteer in the Victorian Country Fire Authority, the rescue trucks had a large generator anything up to about 10KVA (I think) running off the PTO and used them to run all the lighting and hydraulic pumps that operate the Jaws of Life equipment. In National Parks where generators are banned, they don't appear to have any restriction on running your vehicle so you could also run a PTO generator and no-one would know you were doing it. It might work out a little expensive though. Brian
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AnswerID: 559135

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