BABY's Home

Submitted: Wednesday, Jul 09, 2003 at 02:53
ThreadID: 120015 Views:2988 Replies:4 FollowUps:0
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Hi All, Sorry we have been off air for a while but these things do happen. Anyway, we picked the "Baby" up on schedule and with no problems. The team at BT were brilliant. I could not want for better people to deal with. I had not stepped inside "Baby" all day, (just ran around the outside like a cattle dog – supervising) so when the hand over finally happened in the afternoon, it was my first look at her with everything in place, and it was just great. She came in at 2680kg empty and 8.6mt draw bar to tail light’s I had 190kg on the ball, with the 3 front water tanks full. She towed really well. The camera is great and I consider the cost to be well worth it. By the time I got "Baby" back to the Nambour Van park, I felt like I had been towing her for years. It’s a very comfortable package. I likened it to my Turbo Troupie towing my Coromal Magnum approx. 1.4 ton. We spent three days in Nambour and did not do a thing to her, just sat and oggled. It felt like home right from day one. When we left Nambour, we were between Brunswick Heads and Byron Bay when we got the call re Jan’s Dad passing away. Well it was a new experience to try and get off a freeway with a 50’ rig, upset woman and my dad following in his van. All I could find is a tiny dirt track, so in we went at breakneck speed with Dad following (thankfully at a much more sedate pace). Well that’s when I got to feel really comfy with "Baby. She handled that maneuver followed by a neat little U’e over piles of gravel and rubbish, and parked her – "No Sweat". Eventually we got to Iluka and had three days there while Jan made arrangements. And again I did not put a screwdriver or spanner anywhere near "Baby". I just didn’t feel the need to as yet. While coming down the Hwy through Sydney with the "Baby" on, a guy stepped out to his BMW 4 x 4 with complete disregard and contempt for traffic, throws open the door to get in, then decides to look up, only to see "Mother" (F250) and "Baby" bearing down on him. Well he slammed the door sucked in his gut and stuck himself to the car. I think he may have needed to change his undies after we passed because Baby tried to suck the shirt off his back. So after all the drama, Jan and I finally had a 4 day break to Bermagui last weekend, and it was lovely. Finally got to play with all the gadgets that Baby has. We managed to use everything (at least once). And I still haven’t put a screwdriver or spanner on her (YET) but the ideas are starting to come to me. And yes Motely, I had the town water connection fitted as you suggested, and it had worked great until Bermagui, where the town water pressure is less than that of the BT, so the pumps cut in anyway, and I had to keep filling the tanks. Now I know why you told me to have one fitted. Well the bug has hit us hard as well. "Is it too early to retire yet ?" The itchy feet must arrive with the delivery of a B/T. (you should get a warning before you sign up) We are definitely going to make it to Cania. That should give us something to look forward too and upset our customers no end. Oh well – Jan’s favorite saying "They’ll get over it". Thanks to everyone for their input over the 9 month gestation period. We believe that she is perfect as we can’t think of anything else that we should have included on our wish list. Jan & Graham P.S. a few photos in the file for Angie.
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Reply By: Wadefarers - Wednesday, Jul 09, 2003 at 02:55

Wednesday, Jul 09, 2003 at 02:55
Jan & Graham Glad the birthing and initial coddling period went well but sorry to hear about the bad news. Good that you had the break down in Bermagui. I know how you feel about the retirement thing. Whilst going up and coming back from Qld and BTI last week, the only people we met were retired and kept asking "what was wrong with us". It certainly doesn't help when you are having such a great time in the BT. Anyway all we can do is just enjoy the time we have in the BT ( I know we do) and look forward to easier days. Welcome to the club!!!! Regards, best wishes and safe travelling. Jeff
AnswerID: 559137

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Jul 09, 2003 at 02:56

Wednesday, Jul 09, 2003 at 02:56
Jan & Graham, Great post ...... brings back memories !!! Glad to hear you're "hooked" like the rest of us. Regards Anthony
AnswerID: 559138

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Wednesday, Jul 09, 2003 at 02:57

Wednesday, Jul 09, 2003 at 02:57
Jan and Graham, thanks for the lovely description of the first days with the bushtracker mixed with the bitter/sweet emotional rollercoaster. Baby is indeed gorgeous and the piccies of course are divine. We just superceded one of Brians at Quilpie to replace it with one of yours sitting outside the factory at BT. We are so blessed to have a choice of such great photos for our desktop at the moment and all the forum members who post photos on this site, together with of course the lovely CD I got from Nomad with photos on it will never know how much they are keeping our spirits lifted at the moment whilst we wait out our time and keep saving hard for our early retirement. Congratulations. Angie
AnswerID: 559139

Reply By: Noosa Fox - Wednesday, Jul 09, 2003 at 02:58

Wednesday, Jul 09, 2003 at 02:58
Glad to hear that you have got the nappy changing down to a fine art. Now lets hope she doesn't take to long to toilet train. Brian
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AnswerID: 559140

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