Tow hitch

Submitted: Tuesday, Aug 12, 2003 at 01:23
ThreadID: 120066 Views:2808 Replies:5 FollowUps:0
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We have a tow hitch that was fitted to our van in 2001 - it is the original type (not the gold coloured one that we believe is being used now). Our question is, does anyone know the legal carrying capacity of this hitch. We have been told by a number of people that we are illegal because the hitch is rated to tow 2.5 tonne only and of course our BT is around 3 tonne. We are a bit worried about this hitch as there is no rating stamped on it and if we have an accident, we may not have insurance. Can anyone please help, it would be most appreciated. We would be very surprised if BT had put on something that was illegal but so many people have been saying that they are only rated at 2.5. Thanks Meg and John
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Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Aug 12, 2003 at 01:25

Tuesday, Aug 12, 2003 at 01:25
G'day Meg and John, It would be a game person to tell you the rating if they were not the manufacturer of it or BTi themselves. As it is not written on it even the people who are saying it is 2.5t might be wrong ? You really only have two choices if your're worried about it ..... one is to ring BTi themselves and talk to someone about the capacity from the horses mouth, ask them who made it and call them maybe? ....... or two .... Fit an AT35 coupling. I think they retail around $330. I believe the company that makes them has freighted them all over country. If you are on the road full time and find it difficult to do, send me an email with your mobile and I'll see what I can find. Regards Anthony
AnswerID: 559381

Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Aug 12, 2003 at 01:26

Tuesday, Aug 12, 2003 at 01:26
I believe that the BT installed hitch is
manufactured by Orac Coupling Int. with a rating of 3000 kg. Sorry, I
have no further information on its origin.
AnswerID: 559382

Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Aug 12, 2003 at 01:27

Tuesday, Aug 12, 2003 at 01:27
Hi Meg& J
We have one
of the original couplings which would have been fitted to our 16FT BT in
On our
hitch is a sticker which says -off road coupling NTC1

3000kg ADR-62? (Silver Color) Our
caravan was damaged last year and BT supplied a new coupling the
same as above . Suggest you give them a call to clarify the capacity of this coupling.
this helps

Joan & David
AnswerID: 559383

Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Aug 12, 2003 at 01:28

Tuesday, Aug 12, 2003 at 01:28
The hitch you refer to is an Orac design - I have no idea who actually manufactured them for BT. Check the O'Brien Trailers web site for a visual of this design. My original hitch, the Orac design, clearly states a 3500kg rating citing ADR 62. I have changed to the AT35 manufactured by Vehicle Components Pty Ltd at Albion in Brisbane. If you do change, you will need to provide the manufacturer with an accurate bolt hole pattern as their standard pattern does not match the original "silver" BT unit's. For a pattern, take the original unit off, and using a soft pencil (a 6B) on its side, do a rubbing of the bolt hole pattern on the "A frame" on A4 paper. Supply this and Vehicle Components will do the rest. Should cost around $260. Check their web site at . I keep my perfectly OK Orac as a spare. A point to remember: BT would not compromise its product, its reputation and expose the itself to liability by using an underdesigned hitch - to do so would be sheer lunacy in this day and age! Myles Clacherty
AnswerID: 559384

Reply By: Meg and J - Tuesday, Aug 12, 2003 at 01:29

Tuesday, Aug 12, 2003 at 01:29
Thanks everyone for your input. We phoned BTI (Peter) and also Vehicle Components (Rob), both of whom were very helpful and we are now satisfied that ours is 3.5 t and is adequate for what we need. We will keep watch and if at all concerned will go with the AT35. What a great idea this forum is. Meg and John
AnswerID: 559385

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