Cania trip

Submitted: Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:15
ThreadID: 120096 Views:2840 Replies:15 FollowUps:0
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Hope you all have a safe and enjoyable return trip to Cania. I can just imagine all the big rigs in a circle. Would be a great site. I can also imagine the tall storys around the camp fire especially as the level of the good old red begins to fall. Stay well, take care, relax and enjoy Vidas
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Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:24

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:24
Brian, I thought you liked Andy and Judy. LOL. Great photos. Angie
AnswerID: 559501

Reply By: Deleted User - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:25

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:25
Not one drop hit the ground either ....... [smile] Anthony Explore this Great Land ... Do it easy ... Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 559502

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:26

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:26
Hi all you Cania attenders. We have been a bit thin on the ground with reports of the big event. Anyone else got something to add for all of us who have been waiting patiently and keeping the Forum running whilst the party progressed? And photos? Any more photos for me? C'mon you lot. You can't have spent all your time talking, eating and drinking surely. (although judging by the photos we have seen thus far.......................) Angie
AnswerID: 559503

Reply By: F Troop - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:27

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:27
Hi All We just got home Sat13th ,What a blast! It's so hard to describe -you just had to be there. We spent 7 days at Cania and I did not leave the block. Bummer!!! We had a mini rally at Hat Head (on the NSW mid coast) on the way home with George and Helga, Paul and Barb, Jan and I. We just found ourselves on the same bit of road and used the UHF to co-ordinate. George picked the place and we all had a great night with Helga's sister and her husband as honorary Boggers for the night. We had a great BBQ, followed by coffee and Port (thanks George for the Port) Sorry Angie I was so busy, I forgot to get the camera working. Graham Hi everyone - what can I say? I stopped crying at Monto (about a half hour away), after leaving everyone at Cania. The week we spent at Cania was one of the best of my life. So many wonderful people. I just want to thank all who participated in the rally for the spirit in which you attended. I personally hope that we keep all future rallies "unstructured". Everything we got up to at Cania was organised on the spur of the moment, and with excellent results. I am sure Graham has told a little white lie above, when he says he didn't leave the "block". He did go out with Andy to collect some firewood. However, I think the award should go to Anthony, who truely did only go as far as the kiosk. Even I managed a token bikeride to the dam!!!!!!! (oh, and please don't forget the recipes) - this boy sure can cook! Being parked near Bushtracker18, I did manage to stick my finger into most of their meals! And as for photos - sorry Angie, we took 1 (that's right - ONE). We will post it as soon as we find the camera!!!!! We just didn't have time - we were soooooo busy. Doing what - I hear you ask? Nothing other than BTing. I found that on some mornings I didn't even have time for breakfast. As soon as you would venture outside your van, you would be drawn into yet another discussion on BT's etc etc etc. To all those who could not attend - fear not, the next one is only just around the corner. And don't worry about us all knowing each other. We were all strangers for the first 10 minutes, and quickly became great mates. Rally number "1a" at Hat Head, was a very spur of the moment thing which proved to me the spontaneity of Boggers, to have a great time at any opportunity. We had a fabulous night reliving Cania together. Well, now I'm off to get a stiff drink (it's all part of my recovery program ). Bye for now Jan
AnswerID: 559504

Reply By: Paul and Barb - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:28

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:28
Hi everyone, And we thought that picking up our Bushtracker was the best thing to happen, being able to attend the rally was even better, what a a great bunch of people. Barb stopped crying by the time we hit the main road, catching up with Gearge, Helga, Graham & Jan at Hat Head was almost enough to start her off again. We only arrived home on Sunday 14th. back to cold, wet weather. We won't need much of an excuse to head back north again soon to see you all. Paul & Barb.
AnswerID: 559505

Reply By: Andy1 - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:29

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:29
Angie Have some great stitched Panoramas from Cania, wonderful definition, but as a consequence the files are about 3Mb. Microsoft photo can not handle the size & I view on Canon Zoombrowser. These would make great posters but how? Can anyone help? I do not have a CD Burner but do use Iomega Zip 250Mb disks if this s of any use. Will post some of the other photos when I get over my usual photo problems - I use high definition so all of the files are about a 1-1.5Mb. Andy
AnswerID: 559506

Reply By: Deleted User - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:30

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:30
Are currently at Noosabushtrackers place in tewantin lazing around the pool and having a relaxing time. Will be heading to Bracalba for a rest on a mates strawberry farm for a week or two then sloooowwwly home to Port Macquarie for the annual visit to see the kids and grand kids. tTo all the attendees at cania gorge THANKS it was a brilliant time and a great bunch to have a quiet ale or two with. We are looking forward to the next unorganised get together. happy travelling to all our newfound friends Mick and Judi
AnswerID: 559507

Reply By: Deleted User - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:31

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:31
Mick and Judi, Great to hear your're doing it hard around the pool at NBT's place !!!! [smile] Mick, Amy says ...... Daddy ! Next time you make a fire at camping you have to take your shirt off like Uncle Mick because his fire was huge and he cooks marshmellows ten at a time !!!! I replied .... Yes I could ..... but Uncle Mick didnt scare the wildlife with his shirt off !! [grin] Regards Anthony (Thermal Man) Explore this Great Land ... Do it Easy ... Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 559508

Reply By: Deleted User - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:32

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:32
We arrived home yesterday and wish we were still at
Mon Repos where we spent the past week hanging around with Jick and Mudi
doing very little other than unwinding after the tumultuous week at
Thanks to everyone for your friendship and great
company, we look forward to the next Bogger adventure somewhere in the great
David & Carola (the other Carola).
AnswerID: 559509

Reply By: Deleted User - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:33

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:33
Andy, Try using 'WINZIP' to compact the files, then it should be alot easer to e-mail those pics to who wants them. i dont think it will let you post a zipped file in here so mabe people can ask you what they want and you could send then directly. Im after a pic of all the BTs lined up at Cania, That would have been a teriffic site!
AnswerID: 559510

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:34

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:34
Hi everyone, Was there any consensus about where and when the next rally would be held. Need to plan early for these things you know. Angie
AnswerID: 559511

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:35

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:35
Andy, if you send them as a zipped file as Adam suggests, I will not have any problems in opening them. Thanks. Angie
AnswerID: 559512

Reply By: Deleted User - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:36

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:36
Angie, A few places were mentioned but the only real consensus was that for six months venues could be checked out and put forward .... then voted or selected. That way for the six months before the event it would be "firm" and give everyone a reasonable time to arrange their travelling itinerary to suit the location. I think the "where" discussion needs it own group so the posts stay in one area. Then maybe another "group heading" in six months time when the location has been selected. Regards Anthony Explore this Great Land ... Do it Easy ... Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 559513

Reply By: Deleted User - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:37

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:37
From Bogette Hi to all fellow boggers and the four fifths. What a great time we all had at Cania Gorge .Dave finally arrived back in Melbourne on Thursday the 18/09/03 . and survived the trip back O.K. He was most impressed with the wonderful artwork on the back of the caravan - even though he had to have Faye at the caravan park point it out to him. BOGGETTE FOREVER Have fun and travel safely Joan & Dave
AnswerID: 559514

Reply By: Noosa Fox - Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:38

Monday, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:38
Thought Faye would dob Mick & I in. Now you will have to go into the members tools section and edit your nickname. Glad to here you arrived home safely. Brian
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AnswerID: 559515

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