Virbration noise in battery charger
Submitted: Sunday, Sep 14, 2003 at 07:48
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Noosa Fox
I know a few people have a virbration / humming noise in their battery charger, I think most types of battery charges do. I got sick of the noise when connected to mains power and got in the habbit of turning it off before going to bed. As the charger is located under the bed I decided to put an isolation switch in an easy to get to location so all I would have to do is just flick the switch instead of lifting the bed up each time. Before doing so I spoke to Steve about it and he suggested that a small piece of rubber under the washer that holds everything in place under the battery may help, and also to put a rubber mat ( I used a piece of rubber like the mud flaps) between the charger and the floor might also help. I did both and now the noise is barely audible so the seperate switch is out the window and the charger can now stay turned on. Thanks Steve. Brian
Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Sep 14, 2003 at 07:50
Sunday, Sep 14, 2003 at 07:50
Getting some sort of anti-vibration mount is a great suggestion. One other thing always worth checking is the state of the battery charger transformer bolts. Few chargers use toroidal transformers (which are inherently quieter), so mostly you'll see 'C' or standard wound trannys. This being the case, it can happen that the bolts loosen off over time (and corrugations), and the windings can then begin to vibrate - especially if the local supply is 'noisy', full of spikes or of variable voltage. Won't always help, but worth checking. Safety tip - pull the plug first. I'm not liable for paying to have your hair re-permed to get rid of your Accidental Afro (even by the mortician). Puts me in mind of a customer of mine trying to 'help' with an installation. Needed to run an extension cord down the room to reach the gear & he wanted it shortened. The genius decided to "measure" it by plugging one end in, then laying the cord out to where he needed it. I banged my head on the underside of the desk I was under at the sound of the almighty explosion. I backed out to find him standing there in a plume of white smoke rolling toward the ceiling (his own private A-bomb test) with two lengths lengths of three core flex shaking like twigs in the wind gripped like death in his left hand. These two were previously a loop that he had cut through with his trusty Swiss Army knife (gripped in his white-knuckled right hand). His eyes were galzed and doing an admirable Marty Feldman impersonation, his skin was variously white then red and back again every few seconds. I had to prise the knife out of his hand. You would have loved the neat 10mm hole blasted staight through the Victorinox blade, framed beautifully by a splash of molten copper welded on one side surrounding the hole. "I think you can finish it off", was his parting comment as he shambled off. Very instructional. Take care Griff
Reply By: Noosa Fox - Sunday, Sep 14, 2003 at 07:51
Sunday, Sep 14, 2003 at 07:51
No doubt he had something running down the inside of his trouser leg also. Brian