Cupboard Storage
Submitted: Wednesday, Sep 17, 2003 at 04:09
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4 litre wine casks with the side cut out are just the right height to hold several standard height tin cans of food. Advantage is that cans are secured. Disadvantage is that unless cans have content identification on top they have to be removed to determine contents. The plastic trays bought at cheap shops also make excellent storage containers when fitted in side cupboards. Advantages are that similar contents are kept together; the container can be removed so that the item can be more easily found; and the plastic trays can be stacked increasing cupboard space efficiency. Disadvantages lots of small items tend to be collected and not disposed of in a timely fashion. 1 ltr rectangular cardboard milk containers with tops cut off make good storage containers in van for drinking glasses, wine bottles and jam jars and help prevent breakage. The milk containers fit together neatly and do not roll around if closely packed when travelling. A hard plastic shopping basket, similar to those used at grocery stores, is handy for carrying plates, glasses, bottles of wine, food etc to and from van to BBQ or when dinning with friends at a central eating location. Shade cloth attached to sail track on right hand side of van and pegged a couple of feet out from van assists in keeping van cooler, allows air circulation, allows visibility and light. Also, awning could be attached to provide carport. Dusky