Weght problems
Submitted: Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 18:52
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Last month I had
Bushtracker fit a fourth solar panel on our BT and I also had the batteries load tested because we had experienced a bit of a problem with maintaining sufficient power after about 4 days without connection to an external power source. Not sure what the problem was - hot weather, demanding to much of the fridge etc etc, but the problem is resolved. I have had the van resting for the last 6 weeks (we take off tomorrow for about 3 weeks in SE South Australia) and everything is tickety-boo. Except for one thing. I have taken to standing in front of the Pro Star and marvelling at the voltage in the batteries and the amount of Solar Amps that are coming in. The Pro Star display seems to cycle through the three readings about every 15 secs. Except sometimes. I timed it the other day and it sat there displaying the battery voltage for well over a minute before it swithed to display of solar amps, which also displayed for an interminably long time. I did find on one occasion that when I switched off the circuit breakers the display cycle speeded up, but I haven't been able to repeat that. Has anyone one else experienced this? Is it configurable. I really don't want to stand there for 3 mins+ to check 3 readings. Hoping there's an answer out there somewhere
Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 18:54
Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 18:54
You've hit the nail bang on the head! With the exception of ADRs, gas regulations and rules governing 240-volt installation there are no rules or standards (even de facto standards) relating to caravan and motorhome construction in this country and, outside the European Union, very few worldwide.
Nor, as far as I am aware, are there any formal or even informal training courses.
I am currently publishing a series of article relating to electrical systems in caravans and motorhomes (in the trade publication Automotive Electrical and Air Conditioning News) which are being well received by auto-sparkies. Even this appears to be a first!
Despite the above many manufacturers and dealers refer to 'industry standards'. Excepting those mentioned above, there is none. Not even relating to quite vital issues like battery compartment ventilation, nor performance related matters such as 12-volt wiring (excepting that related to on-road lighting) nor even electric brake wiring.
Whilst there are reputable manufacturers (such as BT, Phoenix,
Bushtracker etc), making superb products, some others are an absolute disgrace.
One 'off-road 'van seen at a recent show was intended to have its superstructure held to the chassis via about 50 or so Tek screws. A look underneath revealed that all but four were so far out of position that they missed the chassis completely - they had been screwed through the floor and were simply hanging in space about 10 mm clear of the steel chassis. That 'off-road' caravan's entire superstructure relied on staying in position via four small screws.
Off-road? I would not have towed that heap of detritus out of the parking lot.
Another builder glued the interior furniture to the wall panelling veneer - which not surprisingly peeled away leaving the furniture lying in a heap on the floor.
To my certain knowledge (in at least one vehicle) a motorhome builder housed the battery such a manner that it was quite literally impossible to replace it without rebuilding that entire part of the vehicle. The same vehicle had sharp screws protuding through one wheel arch so far that they would have shredded the tyre if they had not been spotted by the owner.
Collyn Rivers
Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 18:55
Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 18:55
Collyn, Thanks for your comments about the terrible standards that some have in this industry with the finished product. I know that you are concerned about them. Surely there are enough people "out there" concerned about this to bring some pressure to bear on manufacturers to provide a quality assured product. I don't think that the buyer should have to be the expert in these matters. Isn't there someone, somewhere out there that can do something? What is the problem? They have a quality control process for nearly everything else. Angie
Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 18:56
Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 18:56
Angie main problem as I see is caravanners, camprettrrilers, motorhome,
campervans etc...dont speak with one voice, there area many many
sepeerate disjointed clubs etc... but no umberella Association lkie say
RV Club/Association Australia..
It would appear that one is needed to have a bit of clout politically
and to bring RV industry up to the mark as far as standards and quaility
control etc. as well as looking after the interests of the users of
Caravan Parks.
Both the rv manufactures and caravan park industry have OZ wide
associaation looking after their interest.....but it would appear not in
the interest of their customers.
Thats my view anyhow....
Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 18:57
Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 18:57
This message has been deleted by the author.
Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 18:58
Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 18:58
I apologise for seeming to monopolise this site this week but feel that aan approach I recently made via the CMCA's monthly 'The Wanderer' magazine could be of interest in this thread.
It is titled 'Electrical Standards 2.doc' and seeks to establish CMCA members and industry response to the apparent need for industry standards. My piece was confined to electrical matters but................
The response so far is that there is a need for industry standards across the board. Whilst I'd expected objections from motorhome builders so far there has been none.
Collyn Rivers
Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 18:59
Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 18:59
Collyn, I am glad that our motorhomer brothers and sisters see the need for standards. What does the government say about it? T'would be a big task but one which ultimately may save lives. Angie
Reply By: Bushtracker42 - Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 19:00
Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 19:00
Our concern over all the weight issues etc is also when
are the insurance company’s going to get into the act.
With all those extra rigs out there, many over
limits, some must be making claims on accidents.
Only a matter of time…
Gary Harding
TriSys Engineering/III
Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 19:01
Sunday, Oct 19, 2003 at 19:01
Sure thing and the more people keep pratting on about it the sooner it will happen. Talk about shooting in foot disease. Someone once said what the eye don't see the heart don't grieve. Please lets keep it that way. If you want more rules then keep on plugging away but just remember that every rule is another out for an insurance company. Ernie