10A and 15A power....
Submitted: Tuesday, Dec 09, 2003 at 23:17
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Hi, I have a Honda EU20i generator that has two 10A sockets. My BT has a 15A inlet. How do I supply power to my BT from the generator???? Thanks, Mike.
Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Dec 09, 2003 at 23:19
Tuesday, Dec 09, 2003 at 23:19
This is currently an all-but impossible situation. One legal way now is to have a 15 amp outlet on the generator (and I understand Honda is looking at or may have by now providing a conversion). But in correspondence some months back Honda told me that doing this yourself invalidates the Warranty. There are other ways around this but I doubt if they will be acceptable to you or many BT owners. All allow you to use a 10 amp cable and inlet socket but you must install a circuit breaker in the van that limits current to 10 amps. The only legal way you can use that generator right now is to plug appliances directly into the 10 amp extension cable (ie. not via the 'van wiring). This is of course not as convenient and certainly not as safe - but it's legal. Note there is no requirement to earth the generator - and no this is not dangerous (it can be argued that it's safer) Please note - that the supply cable must now be in one length so it is now illegal to use 10-15 amp adaptor cables. Yes - I know its stupid - but I only write about this stuff - I don't make the rules! Can only suggest you take this one up with Honda. I normally finish my notes saying 'Trust this helps'. I know this one hasn't so I won't! Collyn Rivers
Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Dec 09, 2003 at 23:20
Tuesday, Dec 09, 2003 at 23:20
Collyn, Thanks for your response. What about if I wanted to plug into a friend or family's household electrical supply (in which I believe almost all housholds use 10A sockets)? Will contact BTi to ask if a circuit breaker has been installed. Thanks, Mike.
Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Dec 09, 2003 at 23:21
Tuesday, Dec 09, 2003 at 23:21
Collyn, Dont worry we wont shoot the messenger !!!! Until Honda lose sales, because you cant connect their gennies (10amp outlets) to a caravan 15 amp inlet legally, the official response is to still use an adapter lead as at today 2pm. Source : Honda MPE technical section in Melb. I use a 10amp plug to go into the genny on a 15amp lead. This I deem the lesser of the two evils. Whilst still illegal is much safer than an adapter lead with its plugs able to be in close proximity of the ground or on the ground able to become wet, semi disconnected etc. With my kids around I'm not giving up my earth leakage or 240 circuit breakers that are in the BT (BTi installed) by using a separate lead from the genny. I would rather be still "illegal" than less safe !! You know and I know that this is perfectly safe as the genny output does not exceed 10 amp and electrically protected from overload. The danger is of course if someone borrows this lead for something other than genny use. This is easily over come by attaching the lead to the genny semi -permanently by using vulcanising tape to attach it to the genny handle so it has to be cut off to use the lead elsewhere. There is no need for a comment as I realise a person in your position cannot condone this plug on a 15amp lead. If anyone else does it this way they are mad !!! [grin] I'll cop the fine ..... [smile] Regards Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a
Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Dec 09, 2003 at 23:22
Tuesday, Dec 09, 2003 at 23:22
Exactly the same situation. The electricity authorities can only suggest that you install a 15 amp outlet - not of much help at friends' houses. As I say, you can take the 'convert the van to 10 amp route' but this limits what you can draw. If discussing this with BT, Australian Standard AS/NZS 3001:2001 refers. Collyn Rivers
Reply By: gottabjoaken - Tuesday, Dec 09, 2003 at 23:23
Tuesday, Dec 09, 2003 at 23:23
Collyn, as a non-qualified person, I would have thought that it would be quite easy to have dual input sockets on the van with an internal isolating switch to switch between 10a and 15a input, with the 10a line having a complying circuit breaker. Then you could carry both leads, and: be able to use power easily at home, be able to use a 10a lead at those sites where they only have 10a, or where the 15a supply doesn't supply 15a (keeps tripping) and have best of both worlds. What would be the harm in that? Ken
Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Dec 09, 2003 at 23:24
Tuesday, Dec 09, 2003 at 23:24
Ken The dual inlet socket arrangement seems logical. I did in fact write to the Energy Safety authority re this but despite no less tha ten follow-ups over four months I have not been able to get a response. I have the impression from reading and rereading the relevant specs that it's probably permitted but I cannot suggest anyone does this without being totally sure. What may assist with a few applications is that there's no legal requirement to have an inlet plug at all. You can if you wish hardwire the connecting cable directly to the van. You must provide an anchorage so there's no direct pull on the cable connections and you must house the cable when not in use in a waterproof compartment. But if you have a 10 amp plug on the end of that cable (and it's totally legal and OK to use a 10 amp plug oin 15 amp cable - in fact it makes sense to do so) you must restrict the draw via suitable circuit breaker or combined circuit breaker/RCD to 10 amps. People may also be interested to know that it's now permissable to have a 40 metre cable (but that cable must have 4.0 sq mm conductors - the 30 metre cable is 2.5 sq mm). As Anthony appreciates, I cannot comment on joining adaptor leads except to say that it's illegal if used with a tent, annexe, caravan or motorhome. Honda are probably safe in their comment however as many motor generators are used by tradespeople etc on construction sites - and there, different rules apply! But the practice is explicitly prohibited with mobile premises. Collyn Rivers