Posted Photos can be very expensive
Submitted: Monday, Dec 15, 2003 at 21:18
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Hi Tunza and Mona Made the mistake of looking at the of your new beautiful BT! The storage box on the drawbar and the storage container in the rear: were those built by BT? Looks like a great place for carrying petrol for the genny. Are you also carrying any petrol in the front box? The covering on the spare wheels and the covering on the front of the BT: what is the material, did BT do it, and how is it holding up? How much extension did you add to the drawbar, if any? Like your clothes dryer! Does it travel well in place or do your remove it when on the road? Any olther words of wisdom? We are meeting with Steve on 12 & 13 January to do the BT two-step; we have placed a deposit and reserved a delivery date of 17 May (whatever that means!). Cheers, tgintl/jay
Reply By: Deleted User - Monday, Dec 15, 2003 at 21:20
Monday, Dec 15, 2003 at 21:20
Hi Tgint/jay All the carry boxes front and rear are made by myself not supplied by BT. I have fitted out a few vans with these items. I carry fuel for the generator and outboard on the rear jerry can holders with all hoses etc in the rear box the front box contains the generator and other items such as ladder and accessories. The clothes line is also made by me and stays attached, swinging down when we travel. The photos didn't show the outboard loader and outboard fuel carrier which is usually situated on the draw bar behind the front box. The draw bar was extended 500. The padding on the front was done by Cobbs in Hervey bay and is specially made from heavy duty vinyl, quilted and double layered and stands up well to the elements. We are at Noosa and will be home when you are in this area if you like call in and see us and have a closer look. Our phone number is 07 54499615. This is our second van and it is about 18 months old. Tunza and Mona