Sunday, Jan 04, 2004 at 21:17
missed a lot of the prior bits.
Is the intention to get any stickers for
the car?
I lost my Desktop publisher at work, but I
believe we have some software that can scan/make line/sketch images from photos
especially for manuals, T Shirts, stickers etc.
We are looking at a vinyl cutter/printer
for all the bits we need e.g. vehicles/safety signs and the like, but I believe
it can only do two colour.
I had intended to get her to design a car
sticker for ‘submission’, but too late now. If there is interest I
can get one of the other girls who assisted to try some imaging for a wider
bumper sticker style.
Gary Harding
TriSys Engineering/III
-----Original Message-----
From: Motley_Pete
Sent: Monday, 5 January 2004 5:56
Bushtracker Owners Group
Subject: Re:
BOG Cards
Message on
Owners Group
BOG Cards
Reply to Sender Recommend
Message 3 in
From: Motley_Pete
Here is the logo which was used to produce caps
and stubby holders for Cania. There is a black and white version as
I am currently getting quotes for Bogger items as
per my message last year (to which there were MANY replies)
It was my intention to use this logo again, with
the inclusion of URL for web site. Is this the logo we are
standardising on?
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