Am I becoming a total cynic??
Honest answers only except for humorous replies. They are always welcome. Jokes never get under my skin, even the ones about silly old blokes.
I read on the "other"
forum that a vanner has towed a 22 foot van several thousand kilometres without brakes. Didn’t notice until they were nearly home.
They said the indicator lights on the controller were operating.
The so called "expert fitter" said, when the van was returned for service, that the controller had no earth, earth cable connected to plastic panel.
So I ask how come the controller lamps operated as the controller has a common earth and if no earth then no brakes and no lamps.
It is put to me that I am distrusting.
The "experts" say that I require at least 6 large solar panels just to operate my 190 ltr electric fridge.
With only 3 panels what has been keeping my beer cold for the past 4 years??
The "experts" say that the 6mm auto cable carrying current between the tow vehicle and the BT batteries is seriously undersized and will not do the job.
It has been perfectly functional for 4 years.
Another "expert" says that the Honda Eu20I will not run the air con, or if it does it certainly will not accept any additional load "or it will burn out" (Another
We run the air con, 50A battery charger and the breadmaker all together from the Honda.
There is an overload cut out on the geny so you can’t "burn it out".
When I point this out the response indicates that maybe I don’t know ‘nuthin.
It is put up by an "expert" that wire wound transformer based battery chargers will not look after my batteries correctly.
In BT #1 the lead acid batteries lasted over 3.5 years, not bad for old fashioned technology.
So far, after 12 months the glass matt batteries in BT #2 seem to be in perfect condition, but then I haven’t taken them to the university for testing, maybe they are a decimal point away from perfect, tch. tch.
With apologies to Macka, I’ve even towed through Wollongong and survived. :-))
This discussion could go on forever but an "expert" may sue me if I am not careful. :-))
So what’s happening, I a finally getting to be a cranky old fart in a caravan park?
Seems to me that’s what most of the "experts" are.
Ah well, take some more pills and enrol at uni I suppose so that I can make more educated observations.
Or sit around and study my belly button as someone once suggested.
Best regards to all and if this upsets anyone I suggest a Bex, a cuppa and a lie down.