The Classroom Lasagna ....

Submitted: Wednesday, Mar 03, 2004 at 03:42
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At this time of year the local school that Amy and Nina attend grab a few professionals to talk to the grade 4's (nine yr olds in QLD) and answer questions. Usually a Doctor, Solicitor, Vet, Pharmacist, Nurse, etc. Cindy went along today as part of the invited contingent ...her 6th year of small talk , long question time..... being about animals. After Cindy was introduced to the class the kids say "Good Morning Mrs ....????, May God bless you Mrs ?????." Of course the kids had trouble with the Italian surname so the teacher helped out with the correct pronunciation. Cindy also added out loud, " The "g" is silent like in lasagna", to which the class burst out laughing and no doubt whispers to each other, "Mrs Lasagna thats funny". !!!! Plenty of red faces on the adults but the kids loved Mrs Lasagna as usual !!! I'd have massaged her feet for a month to have been there !!! Out of the mouths of babes !!! Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker
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