Jay's Specs

Submitted: Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:21
ThreadID: 120445 Views:13364 Replies:15 FollowUps:0
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Jay<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> I’m in the process of compiling a checklist of the things I would like to discuss with BTI before construction of our BT gets under way shortly.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> In looking through your specs I wondered if I could trouble you for your comments on what you intended by the following:<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> “Upholstery velcroed to wall”<o:p></o:p> “Return on upholstery”<o:p></o:p> “Stainless splash back to have rounded corner to match bulkhead”<o:p></o:p> “Stainless inserts in fridge”<o:p></o:p> “Paint btm of ply fridge base black”<o:p></o:p> “Top mount slides to bedside drawers”<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Also, what have you decided in regard to your refrigerator ? – the location of our refrigerator necessitates that it sits on top of a wheel box and as we would like to keep the cabinet as low as possible we do not want to install the standard 190 litre model. On the other hand we would like to have a little more capacity than the standard 140 litre model and for it to be a 2 door unit like the 190 litre model with separate frige and freezer compartments. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> We think a 2 door 150 litre Vitrifrigo unit might be suitable but have yet to see one in the flesh - does anyone have first hand knowledge of these refrigerators.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Your valued comments would be very helpful.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Regards<o:p></o:p> John<o:p></o:p>
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Reply By: Luvntravln - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:28

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:28
Hi John Pleasure to be of assistance - so many Boggers assisted me that it is nice to be able to continue the Bogger's attitude. Leather - We choose the same quality leather that Steve has in his BT. You have to ask to see these samples because they are their most expensive option and they do not show them - I do not know why - unless specifically asked for high quality samples. We thought there was a significant between the leather they automatically show prospective customers and the leather we choose. We have not spoken to the upholstery guy. On the list to do since we want hime to save extra leather from the dye lot to cover some folding chairs that we will be carrying with us in the BT. Electrical: I did look at the Dakar unit and decided that I did not want an all-inclusive unit. I had such a unit on my boat for many years; however, I also had lots of redundancy too. Since we are planning to go to many reallllllllllly out of the way places, I felt that individual units would be a better choice so that if there is a failure both the battery charger and the inverter did not go at the same time. Additionally, if I had to ship one of the units the weight factor was also a big consideration. After all of the investigation we are installing the full BTI recommended package: Gaston batteries: These were my choice from the beginning. Recently, as a result of Cracker purchasing Lifeline batteries I wrote to Steve Gibbs and asked about the differences. After he calmed down over my again asking more questions (apparently you can ask a few but not too many and I asked about everything since I am paying the bills) he wrote as follows: "Well first of all, almost everything is made in China these days, tools, computers, TVs, my Wrangler Jeans, my Rodeo gear, my Western Boots, even the English Gaston company has the batteries- Yes made in China... so what... You pick out some odd battery like the Lifeline? It says right on the Lifeline battery that it is supposed to have a constant potential charge.. That means it is a back up battery designed for medical or electrical systems back up to sit there under a constant rate of trickle charge. That is not the design or application on full range charging scale from trickle to 50 amps that is our system... We tried the Gaston in a hard abuse testing system for six months 24/7, and it held up.. It is far less expensive at around $250, the rest of the cost is the accessories, bronze marine terminals, cables, fiberglassed boxes, drains, stainless clamshell vent to the outside, installation labour and fittings, and GST." Not being an electrician/electronics expert, and having decided that BTI builds the best off-road caravan, I decided to accept Steve's explanation without further investigation. As an aside, if BTI had an options book with explanations why they have chosen particular products as standard, a lot of questions would be eliminated because BTI's FAQ would provide the answers. Xantrex inverter: Largest stand alone (1800 watts), recommended by BTI and is made by a company I am familiar with as a result of past experience with a company called Heart. Battery charger: BTI's current model - 50 amp. In the final analysis went with this for several reasons - 1. When the posts about battery chargers were occurring fast and furious, most of them could be divided into two categories - A. those Boggers that had them and reported that they were working well, and B. discussions about older units. 2. No Bogger posted a comment that they had the newer unit and that they were unhappy with the performance. Some of the Boggers commented that they wanted a more sophisticated system, but no one was unhappy with what they had. 3. Steve Gibbs has indicated that all of the past problems with the chargers have been resolved and I accept his word on that issue. He provides a two year warranty on his product and opinions. Solar regulator: BTI is bringing out their own version and I am going to install their version. Good luck in your dealings with BTI and definitely do not mention my name in any of your discussions. Mr. Gibbs wishes he never heard or met me because I question too much and accept nothing without a minimal amount of understanding. In the final analysis after asking lots of questions we have adopted almost all of his initial recommendations and believe that BTI will - in Mr. Gibbs words - "endeavour to build the best van we can as always." When you are in Brisbane, please feel free to call either my land line (03 9421 0437) or my mobile which is a better choice (0407 158 081). Look forward to meeting you at Copeton - have you registered? Cheers, tgintl/jay
AnswerID: 561490

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:29

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:29
Your Honour, I must protest ... I would like Jay's comment struck from the record .... My esteemed friend has sought to align us with a person of which whom he is very familiar and then your Honour, attempts to buff this familiarity on us which in truth or at least some semblance of reality, myself, or my learned friend Griff are quite unbeknown to my esteemed friend Jay. This alone makes the statement one of hyperbolic disparage towards myself and the imitable Griffster. A pursuit of pleasure being the only commonality with the third party is all that emerges with this frivolous accusation really being a gross malalignment. Your honour I cant really stress this enough, that, there is no association ... NO ... in fact, I must scoff at this cheap tactic usually reserved to imply some pretence of guilt by association, let alone wasting the courts time ... which at least "I" value ..... MMMMmmmm !!! Yes I agree !!! I order it struck from the record ..... and Mr. Tgintl could you save the smoke and mirrors for your clients .... Thank you your Honour ...!!! [cheeky smirk followed by raucous laughter] Regards [wink] Anthony Explore this Great Land ... Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 561491

Reply By: Luvntravln - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:30

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:30
Your Honour, ( TO WHOM DOTH THOU REFERENCE AS "YOUR HONOUR"? THAT, THOSE, THEM PERSONS THAT MANAGE AND CENSOR THIS ILLUSTRIOUS SITE, OR SIMPLY THE COLLECTIVE?) I must protest ... I would like Jay's comment struck from the record .... My esteemed friend ( THE TERM IS OBVIOUSLY USED QUITE LOOSELY) has sought to align ( IS THAT ANYTHING LIKE LYING DOWN?) us (THE BOGGERS?) with a person (DOTH THOU REFER TO THE BUILDER GIBBS?) of which whom he is very familiar (WE HAVE DEFINITELY EXCHANGED THOUSANDS OF WORDS ) and then your Honour, attempts to buff (DID YOU MEAN BLUFF?) this familiarity on us which in truth or at least some semblance of reality, myself, or my learned friend Griff (DOES GRIFF HE AGREE THAT HE IS EITHER OR BOTH YOUR LEARNED FRINED?) are quite unbeknown to my esteemed friend Jay (PLEASE FINISH THIS RUN-ON SENTENCE SO THAT WE KNOW WHAT YOU ARE ADDRESSING AND COMPLAINING ABOUT! ). This alone makes the statement ( DO YOU MEAN THE ONE THAT YOU DID NOT COMPLETE? ) one of hyperbolic disparage towards myself and the imitable (PLEASE GO TO THE DICTIONARY, LOOK UP THIS WORD, AND THEN WHEN YOU DO NOT FIND IT - APOLOGIZE TO THE GRIFFSTER FOR DESCRIBING HIM IN AN UNDEFINED MANNER) Griffster. A pursuit of pleasure being the only commonality with the third party is all that emerges (DAMN RIGHT - HEDONISTS TO THE END! - NOTHING COULD BE FINER THAN TO BE IN A BUSHTRACKER LINER IN THE MORNING) with this frivolous accusation (PLEASE DO ENTERTAIN US WITH THIS AS YET UNSTATED COMPLAINT) really being a gross malalignment.(WITH ALL OF YOUR TOOLS AND A PRIVATE HOIST THERE IS NO WAY YOU COULD REMAIN MALALIGNED - MINIMAL DAMAGES AT BEST) Your honour I cant really stress this enough, that, there is no association ... NO ... in fact, I must scoff at this cheap tactic usually reserved to imply some pretence of guilt by association, let alone wasting the courts time ... which at least "I" value ..... CLEARLY THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT ASSOCIATION - AT THE BOTTOM OF ALL OF YOUR WRITINGS YOUR PEN: Explore this Great Land ... Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker MMMMmmmm !!! (OF MY GOSH. AFTER ALL OF THIS CYBERINK WE LEARN THAT HE IS BOTH THE PETITIONER AND "YOUR HONOUR")Yes I agree !!! (CLEARLY HIS HONOUR MUST AGREE WITH THAT WHICH HAS YET TO BE STATED. ONLY HIS HONORU THE PEITIONER KNOWS WHAT THE COMPLAINT IS - I CERTAINLY DO NOT!) I order it struck from the record .....(IS THAT SIMILAR TO CHASING MEMBERS AWAY TOO?) and Mr. Tgintl could you save the smoke and mirrors for your clients ....(DAMN - BUSTED AGAIN ) Thank you your Honour ...!!! [cheeky smirk followed by raucous laughter] YOUR HONOUR (OOPS THAT'S YOU) - THE PETITIONER DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH - IT IS CLEAR FROM HIS INCOMPLETE AND INADEQUATE BRIEF THAT HE TOO (OOPS THAT'S ME) LIKES TO READ HIS OWN WRITINGS AND SWOONS AT THE SOUND OF HIS VOICE. Regards [wink] (BAH! CHEERS TO ONE AND ALL!! COPETON AND A "ROAST" FOR HE WHO WILL GO UNNAMED - HERE WE COME!!! TGINTL/JAY Anthony
AnswerID: 561492

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:31

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:31
Mate !!! How did I know you would reply that quick and with a certain verbosity. [smile][wink] Very good ....... !!! The vagaries of life, limb and the BOG huh !! Three things ..... I think Griff is my friend .... He did pat me on the back once ... and we played in the same paddock once.[Smile] Does that qualify ? [wink] And ..... You need a new dictionary ......no need to apologise to the Griffster it was a backhanded compliment ... maybe a tad nondescript I agree .... [grin] Imitable : adj. that may be imitated. - imitability, n. Source: Macquarie National Dictionary from the Macquarie University, specifically three areas of excellence are responsible for it ... National Centre for Language, Teaching and Research. Dictionary Research Centre. School of English and Linguistics. Last but not least ..... check my new sig now !!!! [smile] Regards Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ..Tow sumthin'
AnswerID: 561493

Reply By: Turist - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:32

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:32
From the Censor.

Any more of this stuff and I'll start posting lawyer jokes.

"Do It While You Can"
Nobody is getting any younger.

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AnswerID: 561494

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:33

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:33
Anthony, Here goes, I live with the perpetual child. Jay does not need any encouragement from you to have a FOOD FIGHT in OUR van. Monte Carlo biscuits or not. I wouldnt mind the water fight outside the van then I could join in. tgintl2/Jackie
AnswerID: 561495

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:34

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:34
Jackie, Cindy states she is living with three kids not two. You two will be kindred spirits in that respect ... [Smile] I hope there is more than one tap at Copeton as there will be a line to fill the balloons !! [wink] Although ..it might be a bit cool at Copeton in early Sept to play water games ??? Most of the guys will only be interested in the wet T-shirt competition usually put on by the BT girls .... lucky we have heated water in the BTs for the comp !!! [wink] The same card that is used to score the guys expertise at backing are the same cards we use to score the wet T-shirt comp !!! [They'reAtenGrin] Anthony Explore this Great Land ... Do it Easy ... Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 561496

Reply By: Luvntravln - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:35

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:35
Turist Regarding lawyer jokes, there is no room on this net for attacking either individuals or groups of individuals either directly or indirectly by calling the attack a "joke". Recently one politician reported in response to a survey about "teasing" in the school system that "teasing is a way of life in Australia and part of Australian culture and sense of humor". I feel sorry for that politician's children and partner. We already lost one important member - and I consider his loss a significant loss to this site. tgintl/jay
AnswerID: 561497

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:36

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:36
Jay, In Australia from birth all kids are rubbed regularly with a special cream from the Ponds Institute De Beautaay and House of Hair Removal ..... it is called skin thickening cream and allows the creamee to receive a certain level of jocularity before perceiving it as personal ..... [shinySkinWinkwithSmile] Dont carry "all" the weight of the world leave some room for some fun ..... Like Cindy says " Anthony is the only person around here paid to worry .... and the amount I pay him he should be constantly shaking from it !". [smileWithtrembling Lips] Regards Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 561498

Reply By: Luvntravln - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:37

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:37
Tony my friend, I do not carry the weight of the world - trust me on that. I also find no room for sarcasm, teasing, bullying, or worse. I believe that if you can't make a point or communicate without taking a jab at someone, then learn how to communicate or keep your mouth shut! tgintl/jay
AnswerID: 561499

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:38

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:38
Jay, Was this not sarcasm ??? <start> With friends like Anthony, Griff, and Steve Gibbs, who needs enemies? <end> I hope it wasnt seriously meant ???? If it was, thats sad .. if not... thats sarcastic ... Cant have cake and eat it also Sir !!! Lighten up a bit .... mate ! Regards Anthony Explore this Great Land ... Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 561500

Reply By: Luvntravln - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:39

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:39
Anthony, It was sarcasm, it was uncalled for, I too slip on occassion, there is no way that you and Griff are "enemies" - "mate" - sorry too for the inappropriate "association". tgintl/jay PS: Jackie still says no food fights in her BT
AnswerID: 561501

Reply By: Turist - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:40

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:40
Jay posted
"Regarding lawyer jokes, there is no room on this net for attacking either individuals or groups of individuals either directly or indirectly by calling the attack a "joke"."

I strongly suggest that you lighten up Jay.
No lawyer jokes were posted but your comments are certainly inviting some.
This is an internet forum, one that thanks to the regular contributors has plenty of humour. Maybe not specifically your brand of humour but humour none the less.
It is not a bloody Yankee law court.
My posting, the one that you refer to followed in line with the 2 previous "Lawyer Diatribe" type postings and any normal reader would have accepted the comment as a sequential and humourous reply.
Other members with whom I have discussed your professed outrage can find no fault in my posting, only a little giggle.
If your skin is so thin that you are unable to accept or understand some very innocent humour then perhaps your internet time would be better spent at the vanners forum where humour and thread hijacking are virtually non existent.

Jay also posted, at the same time.
"We already lost one important member - and I consider his loss a significant loss to this site."

I presume that you are referring to the "resignation" of the electrical expert.
No one asked Mr. Rivers to leave, it was his decision alone, he was not forced from the site nor has his membership been cancelled.
Rather than answer direct critical comments about a magazine article in which he made fundamental errors he chose to leave the forum.
The errors, if you care to go back and study postings by myself and at least 3 other knowledgable BOG members, have to date not been corrected. Most have not even been addressed.
Rather than admit to several fundamental errors (are you putting on 10 solar panels Jay?) he only replied with rhetorical comment.
I chose to leave the subject alone when it became clear that no admissions of fault would ever come from that source.
The thread was only becoming a slanging match.
But Jay, Mr. Rivers is a regular contributor to the vanners forum and you can catch up with him there.

Jay posted, in reply to Anthony;
"I also find no room for sarcasm, teasing, bullying, or worse. I believe that if you can't make a point or communicate without taking a jab at someone, then learn how to communicate or keep your mouth shut"

Now we are talking about insensitive abusive language, just what you have been prophesising about Jay.
Could I say, "Typical lawyer"
But that would definitely be taking a jab at someone so I won’t say it.

Jay you, like Colyn Rivers are welcome on this forum but for crying out loud take some time out, go to an Aussie humour school, the lessons will put you in good stead on your forthcoming travels.

"Do It While You Can"
Nobody is getting any younger.

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AnswerID: 561502

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:41

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:41
Jay, For what it is worth I would like yo add my support to what both Anthony and Bob have said about your "hair trigger" responses to some postings. Mate, you need to chill out before you blow a gasket and lose a few friends, Aussies do it and say it differently and if you wish to get along and fit in I can only hope you lighten up a lot. By the way your van sounds like it will be something to behold when completed. Have a good day. Regards, Bill
AnswerID: 561503

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:42

Sunday, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:42
I wouldn't worry too much you lot, by the time you've had a few reds at Copeton you will all be hugging each other and the best of mates and wondering how you ever lived without each other. Maybe you should all take up cross-stitch. It is very therapeutic for chilling out. LOL. Angie
AnswerID: 561504

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