Thursday, Mar 18, 2004 at 22:43
I have no beef with you, you are not an issue for me personally. Your
misinformation is of concern to me and should be to other Boggers.
My personal experience and the facts are:
The older Aurora and newer MYCRYPT Aurora cards work with IRDETO1 + 2
CI-CAMS in most decoders and certainly in all newer decoders which can
process IRDETO1 + 2 CI-CAMS. There is no guarantee that the older Aurora
cards will continue working for the next 5 years. If and when Aurora , who
have no relationship to Optus other than transmission rights from the C1,
change their channel-ids, then the older Aurora cards will cease operation.
This is why older pirate cards can still receive Aurora channels but no
longer Austar and Foxtel channels.
There is no guarantee that the older Aurora cards will continue working for
the next 5 years.
If the Austar card does not work in your decoder then I suspect that your
decoder is not capable of IRDETO2 decryption. Do you have evidence to the
contrary ?
Unlike you, I have no vested interest in this subject, however I will
continue to correct misinformation that you are stating which may adversely
affect a Bogger's decision when choosing a satellite tv receiving system.