pick up needs
Submitted: Monday, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:34
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Jaunty Jordans
Hi all, Just wondering about what we need to have on the car (100LC diesel std) when we pick up BT in 8 weeks, i.e. do we need Hayman Reece, weight distributors, etc. Car has been given the Old Man Emu works and has the Cooper tyres (Discovery), what do you suggest They have notified us that cabinet joinery is being designed now and won't be long before it all begins to come together. Have been OK til now but am starting to get impatient for time to go. Is anyone else due around the mid June mark? Prue
Reply By: Luvntravln - Monday, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:36
Monday, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:36
Hi Prue We are supposed to have a delivery on 15 June. Intendening to arrive in the area around 11th and do the Brisbane show before delivery. Have booked into Forest Glen after delivery. Probably stay there up to a week loading everything into the BT etc. We are towing a trailer full from Melboune since everything we own is going into the BT. See you at BTi or the show. tgintl/jay
Reply By: TripnTaps - Monday, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:37
Monday, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:37
Hi Prue, We are due to take delivery of our van 1st to 2nd week in May - still haven't got a definate date yet and our van has just had the framework finished. From what we've been told BTi get everything together - vinyl, cabinetary, fittings etc. then the assembly starts in earnest. We have a LC V8 100 series and we have already fitted the Hayman Reece hitch (you have to modify the tongue of the Hayman Reece which is square to fit into the Toyota sleeve which has rounded internal corners with an angle grinder - Motley Pete did a post on this in detail last year) If you dont do the fitting at home - take an angle grinder with you if your fitting yourself. There is a supplier nearby BTi if that is more convenient for you. Jan & Ian (Rogoc) pointed out to us that Haymen Reece weight distribution bars come in different weights for whatever you are towing (even their supplier got it wrong and they had to swap them over) so bear that in mind when buying. Our only other suggestion is getting a jack which will also weigh your ball weight. Rods' post of 8/01/04 (Tellembugrem) regarding a Maytow jack is still current because we ordered the Maytow Model B for $149- including delivery last week. All the best, Helen PS We've no doubt it will be snowing well in June and July and August........ and September ect....if last year is anything to go by.
Reply By: Jaunty Jordans - Monday, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:38
Monday, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:38
Hi Jay, We leave NT on Sat 20th June and should be at Forest Glen 3 days later, if all goes well, pick up van and pack our gear before heading south. If you see a white 100 series Land Cruiser with Aussie Traveller roof tent and NT plates that'll be us. We like the unpowered sites at the back of the park. Hopefully we'll meet up you and compare and admire reciprocal BTs. Prue
Reply By: Bushtracker42 - Monday, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:39
Monday, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:39
We recently had to have our van back for hail repair,
and were going to book into forrest glen but chose Maroochy itself. Only a little
bit further, through traffic etc, but if you like beach, a great spot. The non
powered sites are the closest to the beach.
Gary Harding
TriSys Engineering/III
Reply By: Rockgoc - Monday, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:40
Monday, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:40
<LABEL id=HbSession SessionId="1100002656"></LABEL> Hi Prue. I am able to access this site through my daughter's computer....|STILL trying to get some help through MSN as to why I can't sign in with my computer but it's like watching treacle flow uphill....waiting waiting waiting....meanwhile... Have you bought your caravan towing mirrors yet? We can highly recommend the Aussie Truck Mirrors. They strap onto your door with a couple of hooks which fit over the rubber on the window and a ratchet strap from the bottom of the door to the top. A lot of people thought they may cause trouble when you wind the window up, but we have only found this to be the case if you haven't attached them correctly. There's no vibration at all and the vision scope is terrific. They are very fast to take off and put on too. Hope this helps. Cheers from Jan O (Rockgoc)
Reply By: Luvntravln - Monday, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:41
Monday, Apr 26, 2004 at 12:41
Prue Do not believe we will see you at BTi. We were advised today that our BT will be ready 1 June. We will probably be off on our
checkout when you arrive. See you in Copeton. tgintl/jay