Submitted: Thursday, May 06, 2004 at 05:08
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Jackie and I just joined Victorian Four Wheel Drive Club which is an affiliate member of Four Wheel Drive Victoria and I have received the following which will be of interest at least to Victorian Boggers: For the information of members The following appeared in the Four Wheel Drive Victoria General Meeting Minutes 27 March 2004 Item 4.5 A summary of which appears below. "Jim Kennedy advised the meeting of the resolution with RACV with respect to the towing of 4X4's. Klaus Salger (LROCV) noted that RACV Total Care and Extra Care now cover 4wd vehicles." "Ken Sellers (International Scout Owners Club) said he is planning a big trip up north and understands the caravan is not covered if it is disconnected when the vehicle breaks down. If the van is hooked up when the RACV man arrives, then it will be towed!" Therefore if you leave your van/camper connected and you break down whilst away, the RACV will get both you, the Van and Vehicle back home. So therefore before you breakdown ensure that you are all connected. And to quote the RACV "Now at no extra cost, Total Care and Extra Care members with 4wd's heavier than two tonnes (to a max of four tonnes) can enjoy the benefits of towing, wheel changes, and vehicle recovery entitlements (if your vehicle breaks down over 100km from home) Roadside Care members with 4wd's greater than two tonnes may be charged commercial rates for wheel changing and towing"
Reply By: Noosa Fox - Thursday, May 06, 2004 at 05:10
Thursday, May 06, 2004 at 05:10
Jay, Have you put your legal mind to work to find out where you stand with your F250 that has a gross of over 4 tonnes. Does the RACV to a max of four tonnes mean the actual weight at the time, or does it mean the registered gross weight of the vehicle. It could mean the difference between being covered or not. Also some where I saw where the towing of a caravan had a length or weight limit on it also. Have you made any enquiries about this? As NRMA still have a blanket ban on free towing of the larger vehicles, what happens if you require the towing while in NSW. Will they tow it, or will they charge you like I was charged recently. They have you over a barrel. Pay up or they will not unload your vehicle. Brian