Copeton State Recreation Area.
The area reserved for the
BOG rally is called Copeton Bay, it is located about a kilometre inside the park from the entrance and well away from the “Van Park” and main playground areas, although there is a small kids play area with slides etc. where we are to camp.
There is a shower-toilet block at the top end of our area and a 2 seat dunny closer in.
There are 11 power poles scattered at random around the area, each with 4 outlets, ie, 44 powered sites.
If more than 44 vans require full time power the I suggest that the first 44 registration confirmations have them.
And it seems that we already have 44 bookings.
Still, these are
Bushtracker vans so power should not be an issue.
If you want to camp using your own facilities, including “QUIET” generators such as the Honda then there is ample space right next to the powered area.
Those choosing to camp there will not miss out on anything as it is only a 2 minute walk to the proposed community area. (Some of the powered sites are further away.)
There are about a dozen water taps scattered through the powered area so if everyone brings a hose double adaptor (and a long hose) we will not have problems there.
From memory (could be wrong here) there are some dunnys and water taps at the far end of the non powered area.
There is no sullage disposal and grey water will need to be discharged under your van.
One trick here is to put an old sock or stocking end over the discharge end of the waste hose. It will catch any food scraps and grease and keep the flies down. The water will soak into the ground.
We are still working around the marquee problem but it seems that it will cost around $1500.00 to have a large marquee delivered-erected-taken away.
So at this stage a cost of less than $35.00 per van.
I believe that we should proceed to arrange the marquee unless there are strong objections from the majority of attendees.
If anyone attending or intending has further questions please ask.
Best regards