This document is a little verbose but please take time to read it as it has an important message for all concerned.
The following was previously sent by me as a global email to managers and assistant managers. I have added some extras to this document and have re-sent it in the hope I can get some sort of response from the managers on this very important issue. This is not a frivolous issue. As far as I know the managers have chosen to ignore my concerns about this as I have not received any communication from them. I would expect responsible management would seek to address all matters arising from members. It goes with the job. I do not deny the right of managers to manage but they must act in the interest of the majority of members and not to corporate or any other interests(including BTi) and be transparent in their actions.
I have been told privately by more than one person they do not participate in
forum discussions because the majority of it seems to be of a frivolous nature and of not much value. Here was a thread with plenty of "meat" and it was censored if you get my point. I am sure it would have attracted a lot of interest and been great for the
forum. No nonsense postings like Turists trip down the Darling is also one of good value to members and this is the sort of thing people are looking for. Prospective owners say they get good value from it but once got the
forum can cease to be of value to them. They move on.
Most people are consumers and not producers. Producers are a rare breed, Anthony included. The number of producers on the
forum can be counted on one hand. I used to be a producer until I suffered under the censorship knife when accused of posting something which was unsafe. The accusation was nonsense but the deed was done. The accusation was that advocating travelling with partly filled water tanks is dangerous which is of course nonsense. You cannot unscramble the egg. Managers at the time failed to address this issue and my intention in pursuing this matter is an effort to ensure this sort of thing does not happen again. It is not nice thing to happen to anyone. Ask anyone who has been banned from the
forum and I'm sure they would agree. Managers need to realize the consequences of their actions not just for those directly involved but all stakeholders. The decision to censor or ban a person should bear heavily on those contemplating it and not treat it as a frivolous or unimportant act.
If the managers choose to rule by the sword and there is ample evidence for this then so be it. Some members may be happy with this arrangement but I do not. I can only draw members attention while running the risk of being banned myself. I have no other issue with management other than this censorship one and congratulate them for their voluntary time and effort as I am sure all members do also.
I disagree most strongly with this decision to censor the thread on a
Bushtracker caravan with broken axles. There were very valuable lessons to be had from this discussion especially for people who are inexperienced in matters towing. Anthony for example mentioned regular bearing inspection and maintenance as important. I would not have thought this could be construed as "speculation and spurious commentary". So it seems his effort has been wasted. A management explanation at to the possible cause of this event happening would have been sufficient to hose down any adverse effects this posting may have had. This decision gives no credit to the members ability in being able to analyze this and reach a decision as to what actually(or might have) happened. I am sure everyone who saw this posting would have said to themselves "how would I have handled this situation?".
Having suffered the indignity of having a posting deliberately deleted when all I was trying to do was respond to a member requiring information, I am sensitive about this issue. The criteria for censoring a posting needs to be clearly qualified and strictly adhered to by those responsible and not do so on a whim at the time. It seems to me that the managers opinion was contrary to members opinion on this issue. This is indeed a "courageous" path to follow. There needs to be clear guidelines so that members will know that a posting that does not meet those guidelines may be removed. Until this is done I will remain a "silent member" but I will(and have) respond to people who contact me personally. That way at least it will at least reach the target and not get intercepted along the way.
I am bemused by the criteria of "speculation and spurious commentary". The
forum is full of this and it is the nature of the beast. If this is to be used as reason for censorship, the managers are going to be busy little beavers in the future.
Censorship in all it's forms should only be used as a last resort in all cases(apart from the obvious obscene etc.). This is a hallmark of a civilized and democratic society and should always be defended. I could go on and on with quote after quote about free speech etc but will conclude with this. In the heat of the moment when faced with a similar please consider what I have stated. With the risk of stating the bleedin bloody obvious, this problem is only going to expand when and if a corporate sponsored website is commissioned. Even a malicious posting can have some value and who are we to judge preemptively.
If I were a fellow traveler who happened to witness this event and posted some pictures on the
forum and said "Look at this. I came across this incident just west of Woop Woop. These are pictures on a Bustracker off road Caravan with both rear axles broken". True as true as true and no bones about it and no maliciousness intended. This would indeed invite "speculation and spurious commentary" and rightly so and all with the best if intentions. Yes it did happen and yes it was branded
Bushtracker. These things do happen with things mechanical for a myriad of reasons. Would these have been censored by the
forum managers?. Some time ago there was a posting on another
forum which stated they had seen a Bustracker with a broken A frame and invited further information. If this was posted on the
BOG forum would this have been censored because it contained adverse
Bushtracker content? The content of this hypothetical thread would have been exactly the same as the one that was censored. I for one want to know all about my Bustracker both good and not so good. BTi seem to me to quite capable of rightly defending their product without help from anyone.
I will state it once again. This censorship is clearly a wrong decision when looking at it objectively and not subjectively as it appears to be the case.
I was tempted to post this on the
forum but desisted and decided to leave it out of the public domain and in the managers court and to await an appropriate response.