Warning on BTPickup .....

Submitted: Friday, May 28, 2004 at 08:48
ThreadID: 120603 Views:4666 Replies:4 FollowUps:0
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A whole new folly, bordering on disease, has been observed in the new owner making their way to collect the "dream" Bushtracker. It has, in the interim, been called ... BTPickup -itis ....short for : -Bushtracker Trembling, Personally Inspecting Caravan Knock-up, Unsurpassed Paradise. Symptoms include .... Restlessness causing lack of sleep, Excessive speech bordering on rambling, Lack of sex drive, Worry, Memory fade, Increased heart rate when flicking through BT notes, Blisters on fingers from over use of calculators, Hatred of electronic bank transfers, With partners ...moving from periods of love to periods of anxiety...in the severely affected, long periods of non-intimate tight hugging has been observed with a tingling in the loins. It is easily spotted in the BTi bound patient from all corners of Australia. They are usually in a new 4x4, fitted out well, to the delight of accessory shops. They suffer from dry mouth and teeth from smiling too much en route .... dont expect coherent conversation at fuel stops. Limited concentration ability. Prognosis. Prognosis is very good as the inflammation, not to be confused with infection, although infective, only lasts as long as the longest drive to Kunda Park. Those from Margaret River, Tasmania, Melbourne etc will have the biggest lumps with most subsiding around the Queensland border. The male will get an extra lump or two as he gets closer to the BT. Ladies ...expect this to start around a 1000 k circle from BTi ... you are warned !!! Treatment As the inflammation only starts a short period before pick-up, it is self curing. Some relief can be had from chewing lollies en route for the dry mouth/teeth ... known as the "Smilies". Limiting BT talk to one hour on and a genuine hour off for other subjects will help concentration on the road ahead. If the mood in the vehicle becomes almost hallucinatory play music from any rap artist until it subsides (around 4 mins) and build it again from there. If the stomach doesnt feel like eating en route swallow carbohydrates and sugars with a balanced meal at night. Use of alcohol as a pre-digestive is warranted to (God forgive) save weight loss. Beware dehydration a day and a half out .... As always fore-warned is fore-armed ....[smile] Regards Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker
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Reply By: Luvntravln - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 08:50

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 08:50
You are brilliant and you write well too! Having diagnosed BATTS, BTPickup-itis, and Mini BATTS, in your opinion how come these diseases are appearing with the new crop of BT buyers, and you - for example - never suffered from BTPickup-itis? OR Perhaps you suffered from the disease and Dr. Magnani, BS - not to be confused with that famous verterinarian Dr. Magnani DVM - only recently labeled the disease in which case it should be called Magnani-itis or abreviated BSitis. To state the obvious Mr. Mom - me thinks you have too much time on your hands Regards from a person suffering from BTPickupitis aka Magnaniitis aka BSitis. tgintl/jay
AnswerID: 562372

Reply By: Jaunty Jordans - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 08:51

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 08:51
Hi Anthony, You are very clever. Loved it and just prior to reading it we received our first pictures of BT in progress. Want to leave now and head east, just to watch, honestly I won't expect them to fasten up or anything!!!! BATTS are very bad here in NT. Have taken to riding my bike round to local cp every evening to check out whether there are any BTs in for the night. Take the dog too and claim I'm doing some exercise???? Prue
AnswerID: 562373

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 08:52

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 08:52
Hi Anthony, Did a smile at your rhetoric, brilliant as always. And I had just finished saying to Ivan as we were laughing that you obviously had too much time on your hands. Then scrolled down to find exactly the same comment from Jay. Well, then the laughter was really on. Ever get the feeling that people are getting to know you too well??? Angie 62 sleeps to go.
AnswerID: 562374

Reply By: Deleted User - Friday, May 28, 2004 at 08:53

Friday, May 28, 2004 at 08:53
Angie, Jay, Too much time on my hands ? I dont know how a family of four and the household, inside and outside functions ? I dont know how a business with thousands of clients and the doors open nearly 60 hrs per week functions ? Whilst Cindy certainly works hard she only has two hands like the rest of us. Oh all right !!! I have "some" time on my hands !!!! [smile][wink] Its taken up by the BOG forum !! [wink] Do you know how much worrying I did this week !! [smirk] Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 562375

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