Forum BT queries before talking to BTi

Submitted: Thursday, Jun 03, 2004 at 01:32
ThreadID: 120608 Views:3455 Replies:2 FollowUps:0
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The order has been placed for a 20' BT. However, as every new Bogger seems to experience, questions about design continue to pop out of the wood work. I would appreciate if experienced Boggers could provide advice to my queries outlined below before I visit BTi early July 04. Can conduit be run through roof space from electronic controller to fridge end of OHC for future run of electrical cables for LCD TV? How many available electrical outputs are there from the electronic controller for connecting other 12v appliances? Can the water manifold be placed at door entrance between cupboard wall and stove accessed by a door and also allowing for seniors grab handle? Will this area be OK heat wise on the water manifold? If future filtration system required can this be easily installed without major modifications at a later date? Are the cupboard door latches metalic and do the knobs abraide? Can I easily identify where roof and wall frames are after internal panelling is installed? Have owners considered placing rubber dampening under batteries to reduce vibration? Do you think it is worth consideration and will the current battery box design accomodate say a 30mm rubber underlay under batteries? What size is the waste water outlet? Does it fit the standard black sullage hose? Is there sufficient strength in shower wall that is apposite shower head to support something like the hotel type L shaped towel rails that are sometimes placed over the bath? How many electrical power points are standard? There has been considerable info on WDH. However, I am still a little confused and would like to confirm which brand/model number WDH do I purchase for a 2004/2005 F250? What is the recommended tow bar to accomodate the above WDH for the F250? What is the recommended electriacal plug between F250 and BT? Thanks for all the past info and hope to be jioning you in 2005, Dusky
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Reply By: Deleted User - Thursday, Jun 03, 2004 at 01:34

Thursday, Jun 03, 2004 at 01:34
G'day Dusky, There is a few conversations around the fire in that post !! [smile] In all honesty some of them are really only answerable by BTi ... the ones to do with build technique/assembly order etc. I can try to set you on a path for an answer or two ! Conduit in roof ... A 25mm or so conduit across at build time terminating in the overheads is easily done. If it is not done it is easily overcome as the roof members are 50mm x 25mm x 3mm wall. You can actually drill a 15mm hole in the bottom face of this rectangular hollow section (RHS) in each overhead and run a wire threader through. The only obstacles on the internal bottom face is the rivets attaching the ceiling sheets. If BTi are open to the idea a conduit for a non-tinkerer is the way to go. 12V outlets ... The outlets are only restricted by the number of circuit breakers you can fit in and the maximum current draw/load of the solar regulator. I have two with one of them external via the fridge circuit breaker ... the second is self installed, not by BTi. You can run a few straight off the batteries if electrically sound but the draw is not seen by the solar regulator. Check with BTi about 12v outlets thats for sure. The Seniors grab handle ... This is a design issue with BTi might be able to do it but the manifold might have to be lowered and then hard to reach ??? Hard to open a door with a steel bar across it ??? Check with BTi ... Personally I'd prefer the handle and shift the manifold to under bench etc .... you might change tanks daily but you will go in and out 50 times !! Manifold heat issue ... The radiant heat from the stove is minimal at the cupboard wall beside the stove. I suffer from some heat on the other side but it nothing dangerous. It makes the drawers under the sink (and the sink itself) warm to touch ..not hot !! Fitting water filter later .... If you are talking UV steriliser that is a BTi check for sure. Lots of idiosyncratic fittings, wires, pipes with that one ..... If you are talking fitting a generic water filter to the potable tank line later that is relatively easy. I just fitted a trial filter/canister between the potable pump outlet and the sink tap ... water tastes great now !! Cupboard door latches ... Mine are plastic and white so would not show any wear. Mine are nearly 3 yrs old and are fine. I have seen some metallic gold and silver ones fitted to BTs but cant comment if they wear or discolour ??? Roof frame and wall frame detection ... Thats an easy one the sheets are held on by pop rivets and adhesive and the line of pop rivets is into the wall/roof frames !! In the overheads a rivet is visible also to locate frame member to drill hole for wire crossing. The first time you are in a really cold climate the frames will appear !!! Rubber under batteries .... I havent seen one with it yet, especially with the current batteries being AGM which is known for its strength against shock/vibration. But hey ! Why not ...there is room above my battery box for another 25 mm of height in box to accommodate some high density foam. My batts are under the settee would depend on location really. Sullage outlets ... On my van is two x 25mm right angle poly barb that takes the matching black smooth bore convoluted tubing ...I think they are still using this size .... ??? One is for ensuite sullage the other the sink. Ensuite walls ... The internal walls of the ensuite are 19mm solid timber covered with fibreglass and gelcoat. The wall with the window in is not as tough for screwing into .... I have a soap holder and a couple of hooks in there using sikaflex and 3M double sided tape. Nothing fallen yet ... touch fibreglass !! [smile] Holes would be a last resort for me but .... I am weakening !! 240v outlets .... I have 2 double GPO's each side. I'm not sure what is standard. A BTi check again ? Weight dist model ... I believe because BTi has narrowed the A-frame width (compared to mine ) both the Aussie Hayman Reese and the US sourced Hayman Reese should fit. In preference I'd go for the US one. I have heard a rumour that once existing stocks are gone (of the US one ) the Aussie one will be the only one available. Buy the kit from someone that you can at least show them the vehicle and BT together for them to check set-up of the WDH/van attitude if it is new science to you. Towbar .... I have used Hayman Reese heavy duty bars always. Some "factory" towbar hitches not the towbar itself have been recalled from various vehicles. This would not be a problem now though ...just get the strongest towbar available for the effie. Because I set up my own I insisted the dealer throw in the towbar and WD hitch for free. The bar was fitted when I drove it out and the WDH was sitting in the tray !!! Worth a try ??? Electrical plug .... I went for a 7 pin "large type" in metal if you are talking about the trailer connection as do most BTs I think ? If you are talking about the 12v supply between the two ..I've seen everything from a 6mm diameter wire to a 95 sq mm welding cable ... about 30mm diameter. The choice is yours ... BTi check for this one. The reasons why so different and is a whole thread in itself .... check back, it has been discussed. Hope that stimulates some thought and some questions for BTi .... Regards Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 562394

Reply By: Dusky - Thursday, Jun 03, 2004 at 01:35

Thursday, Jun 03, 2004 at 01:35
Anthony, Thankyou for your very comprehensive reply to my queries. Also, thankyou for your maintenance info on the F250. Dusky
AnswerID: 562395

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