Satellite TV experience

Submitted: Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:08
ThreadID: 120614 Views:59457 Replies:15 FollowUps:0
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I used my satellite TV setup all but five nights while away. It was great to get such a perfect picture so easily and quickly, and beats the hell out of trying to find out if their is a terrestrial station and what channels you may or may not get. I also got the chance to speak to an Austar installer in Atherton and he said all the dishes they now install in Nth Australia for Austar/Foxtel are 60cm and 45cm dishes. He said on the B3 satellite you needed the larger dishes, but said the C1 satellite has more than twice the power of the B3 satellite and 60/65cm dishes are all you will need. I got as far north as Chillagoe and the picture there was perfect, even when it was dense cloud.
I was parked at the abandoned Rosehill Station next to the Barcoo, as I did not like the look of the types parked near the highway at the southern end of the Welford National Park, so decided to find somewhere else. Rosehill Station is on the Barcoo just a little further east and was great. Sitting there enjoying the late afternoon and a red and in romps another caravan. What a surprise in the middle of nowhere. He had the same maps as I did and made the decision the same as I did that he did not like the look of the types at the river crossing. I always welcome another caravan to share the night, always safety in numbers even if only two. One is a far more attractive target than one. My satellite telephone is my security blanket, but in those out of the way places help would take a while to reach you. Anyhow, I decided to set-up my satellite television while he was chatting, and he could not believe how easily and quickly I did it. I had the Jaycar tripod EscapePod put me onto and with my dish additions with thumbscrews and locking nuts, it is all up and going in around two minutes. He was telling me he had an Abrolga system and it was so slow and cumbersome to setup compared to the ease I did mine. We then went over to his van and I watched him setup his Abrolga system. Firstly working on the ground has knobs on it. He had to put stones under the case to get it level, then could not rotate the box without it going out of level, and about 15 minutes later with much struggle and under the breath cursing and swearing had a picture. In the morning he took some photographs of my set-up and we e-mailed them there and then on his satellite phone to his company to get a 60cm dish and all the necessary screws and bits and pieces like mine, and a Jaycar speaker stand sent to Kingaroy where he would be in three days time and stopping there for another three days. What is more, it was quite windy, and decided not to anchor the tripod as I wanted to see how much wind it would take to blow it over. Well it blew even harder during the night and it was still perfect in the morning - same position as I switched on the TV and all functioned perfectly. It really demonstrates what a rip-off price the Abrolga system is.
I just ordered from Globalsat in Adelaide another satellite TV system for a friend and they now have SatTV receivers on special this month for $150.00. This would make the total price of a satellite TV setup about $300.00
Supernet FTA777+ Satellite Receiver $150.00 (Ignore the website price)
Satellite Meter $45.00
Aurora Access Card $100.00 (One off cost)
Cables probably $30.00 You will need to work out the two cable lengths you need.
I have also used extra metal fittings to make mine push on instead of screw on fittings for quickness and ease of removing the Satellite meter after setup.
65cm Dish $45.00
Universal LNB $30.00 making a total of $310.00

Jaycar speaker stand CW2860 on special this month $89.00
So even including Jaycar stand, you can now have Satellite TV for under $400.00 Please note I have no affiliation with any company, only myself and others have bought from Globalsat and found them excellent in price and service. I have now learnt quite a bit more about Sat TV so if you want to ask any info just shout.
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Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:18

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:18
David, I find that you have posted Cobradave's post to a specialist site for an attempt at ridicule is in bad taste. You are relying on them for info and technicalities to use it in a condescending manner about something you might know little about. Well ! You're asking them to correct him so I take it you have about the same nous as me with sats. Cobradave as far as I' m aware has a very sound advice base about satellite and has guided me well for some time. By all means add to a constructive debate without the effort to contrive ridicule. Any information you can add is welcomed you know you cant have too much info. Regards Anthony Explore this Great Land ... Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 562413

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:19

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:19
Anthony not to ridicule anybody, he has stated that my information is incorrect, which I am pretty damn sure it is 100% correct. I posted it to far more than just one forum for comment and to get the correct information from current satellite professionals. I did not state where the information has been posted or that I am questioning or state who it was. I just asked in a simple way straight questions. This is the meaning of the word 'ridicule': the act of exposing to laughter : DERISION, MOCKERY If CobraDave2 is wrong, I am sure he will admit he is wrong and take it graciously like I would. I do not want and have no intention to ridicule anybody. So far all the answers are in favour of my original comments and CobraDave2 is incorrect on all counts. However, I will correlate all the answers and post the replies when they are all in. I am always happy to be proven wrong, but I ain't going to take it lying down especially when he says "Those Boggers who me also know that what I say on this subject is sound" and so far CobraDave2 appears to be 100% wrong.
AnswerID: 562414

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:20

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:20
David, By your own definition .... <start> This is the meaning of the word 'ridicule': the act of exposing to laughter. <end> From previous post ... <start> the mirth on the satellite TV newsgroups about your post is already killing them with laughter. <end> But lets not get too semantic ! Facts credited or discredited by respectful conversation has been the main in the forum. Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 562415

Reply By: Cracker - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:21

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:21
Ahhh the thrill of strong personalities........ I am in the throws of deciding on a sat system - all info is welcome. I have aleady decided to have a tripod setup like "The old geezer" .....sorry mate just taking the p.... out of you. I intend on going this way after experiancing the "ball and Chain" tiptoe around the van. - when the rocking stopped I came to the conclusion that Murphys law would have her tiptoeing at the worst possible times .... and i WOULD HAVE TO KILL HER ! far easier to get a tripod. SO on the tripod issue .....1/geezer V 0/ Cobradave Cracker
AnswerID: 562416

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:22

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:22
CobraDave2 Quote "As I have said previously, it is untrue that you must use a specific decoder to receive Austar and Foxtel channels using their subscriber cards. Any suitable digital decoder will work provided you use the appropriate IRDETO encryption software vers. 2.09 in the form of a CI-CAM." CobraDave according to the industry professionals, the above statement is totally incorrect. Foxtel/Austar is no longer available to be viewed with Irdeto encryption since 16th March 2004. If you can supply a receiver with Irdeto encryption that will view Austar/Foxtel there is a large queue of people looking to buy them. CobraDave2 Quote "NDS encryption has long been understood and decrypted." The encryption methods used by the company NDS have not been broken. The NDS system used in Australia is different to that in use everywhere else in the world and does not even have a particular name and hence is referred to by the companies name. It is not even possible to buy a CI Cam for NDS AU encryption. NDS encryption systems have not been cracked anywhere in the world. CobraDave2 Quote "however it is shortsighted to only carry a 65cm dish if you travel to remote areas". The view of a large number of industry professionals questioned on dish size for use with Optus C1 satellite across Australia is a 65cm dish would be suitable with adequate signal strength in 90%+ of locations around Australia. Austar on C1 now fit 35cm, 45cm and 65cm dishes. They stated that a 35cm dish is not suitable for the vertical polarisation of Aurora transmissions.
AnswerID: 562417

Reply By: Turist - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:23

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:23
You are wrong Geezer David.
I am using a third party decoder and it works fine with my red foxtel card.
Seems that your professional advisor needs to do some research.

"Do It While You Can"
Nobody is getting any younger.

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AnswerID: 562418

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:24

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:24
Turist I am not wrong, go and discuss this with the satellite professionals on the Austech and Vetrun satellite forums. I am only quoting. Personally I have no idea as I would not spend money on Austar or Foxtel.
AnswerID: 562419

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:25

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:25
Hi Bob, <o:p></o:p>

You can take a horse to water, but……………….<o:p></o:p>

Forget it mate, he, his professional advisors and his
attitude are not worth it. Look forward to staring at blank screens all night
with you guys soon .<o:p></o:p>


<o:p> </o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

AnswerID: 562420

Reply By: Turist - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:26

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:26
I agree Dave.
It,s a bit like painting a wall white.
This "Geezer" would stand beside you and tell you it's black.
But maybe its the grog getting to me and I am not really getting Foxtell signals, just my vivid imagination.

Have you noticed the similarity of style in geezers postings to those of the recently retired "Tartan William"
Almost as if they come from the same source.

"Do It While You Can"
Nobody is getting any younger.

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AnswerID: 562421

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:27

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:27
I know what you
mean, too much of the right sauce makes you see black instead white
On the other hand,
if all the x-perts are right and we are wrong, this may be a good business
opportunity for us!
BTW I installed a
Webasto last week in my BT, Ernie is finishing his today. We both had tanks
made, mine is SS, Ernie's is alu. It was a very easy job, worked first
click,delightful heat.
AnswerID: 562422

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:28

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:28
Hi Turist, What decoder are you using? I would like to be able to use my red Foxtel card and the Aurora card in the same decoder. To date I have only taken my Foxtel decoder with me but would like to be able to get the Aurora service as well. Cheers Kevin
AnswerID: 562423

Reply By: Turist - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:29

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:29
I am using a UEC decoder model N1334.
When using the Foxtel card the channel numbers vary and are found up around channel 60 plus.
Otherwise works fine, despite what the experts say.

Pleased you like the Webasto. Best accessory yet in my opinion.

Geezer whatchaname.
Sorry pal, your still wrong.

"Do It While You Can"
Nobody is getting any younger.

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AnswerID: 562424

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:30

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:30
Webasto - an
excellent piece of equipment and good installation kit, very few parts left

Re sat. tv - I have the full blown Austar digital activated
and the extra 20 channels also work ok in the CI-CAM 2.09 off the shelf and
an older one which I have 'updated' myself. Look forward to becoming an x-pert
some day.

Kevin - I'd be happy
to fill you in to easily solve your problem if you want to email me privately.
I'm tired of arguing with experts or their deciples on the BT
forum ! The same applies to anyone else who wants my advice on sat.


AnswerID: 562425

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:31

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:31
For anyone looking at getting a Sat TV system "off the shelf" contact Bruno at or 07 4945 7082. They manufacturer a complete setup similar to the Abrologa system. The dish size is a box 650x750x120 which is smaller than the Abrolga. The decoder is Emtech(high quality) and the "Free to air" decoding is onboard the decoder box software and no card is necessary. This seems to me to be an excellent idea as it removes a potential problem. A booklet with dish positioning data is included with the dish. Prices (I think) are $950 complete or $450 for the dish only. Address is Dingo Beach in the Whitsundies in Qld. A friend saw this unit on a motorhome in Rockhampton and gave me the contact details. I rang Bruno last night and he said the demand is very high at the moment. He said Austel are now installing 800mm dishes in Cairns since the higher powered transponder has been commissioned.
AnswerID: 562426

Reply By: Luvntravln - Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:32

Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004 at 04:32
Gee Golly Gosh - Stay away for awhile and look what I missed! Geezer - please tell us all of the different handles you have used on this and the Caravaneers forum - Certainly one should put forth their credentials to support their claims - Regarding the Abrolga which I have and use - great picture; great sound; easy to setup - and for me, most importantly it is a bullet-proof case which stores in my Effie and rides well with a folding bicycle sitting on top of the case - It comes with a Strong decoder which accepts two cards simultaneously. Now all I have to do is find that bloody second card. Mr. Geezer - if you want to tell us about a good deal - do so without knocking someone else's product. tgintl/jay
AnswerID: 562427

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