so whats happening?
Submitted: Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:47
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Bushtracker Buck & Babe
Hi Anthony, how did the holiday weekend with Jay and Jackie go? Are they alright? They do know we are still here don't they? Are they still smiling? Angie 39 sleeps (or lack of)
Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:49
Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:49
Angie et al, A trip report huh !! I managed to escape the house on Friday arvo. Pulled the BT up outside Amy's school (in a side street) and waited for her to climb aboard so we could hit the highway as early as possible. Friday arvo ...long weekend ... North Coast/Gateway traffic !! You would not believe this but while waiting for Amy a lady from her school came over and said "My husband and I have been looking at these BT's can I have a look inside" ! I showed her inside and at least the 20 min wait was not so boring ... not that I like talking BT much ! (Yeah right ![smile]) Arrived at Neurum Creek about 5 pm and just chocked and levelled BT and decided to do rest in morning as temp was 5-6 degrees overnight. Amy and I had a great time ... no little sister for her and no boss for me ...well, for a night anyway ! We cooked tea in the BT and had a great night watching telly together ... and some chocolate ...and some hot Milo. Did I mention the bottle of Penfolds that slipped down ... dont know where it went but it was empty ! Jay and Jackie turned up next morning ... all heads turned towards the gate as that rig drove in I can tell you. After remarking that they now have been on their first dirt road (and qualify as true Boggers) they proceeded to set-up. I sat on a relaxing chair and offered plenty of advice (smile) but was unable to proffer any physical help as I was a little hung over from the bottle of red. While the boss is away the mice do play ... but dont tell Cindy ! I eventually came good and drilled a few holes in Jays BT to mount a clothes rack on the rear bumper. The Webasto had not been fired up and needed fuel bleeding (a minor procedure) we checked the manual and had it running soon after. I sure gotta get me one ! The boss and Nina arrived in the Forester about 1.30pm to a set up camp and the kettle on ... We had decided early in the week that I would cook Sat night and Jay Sun night. Sat night I did a traditional Bolognese with Barilla No 7. For entree I did a small piece of fillet each with a Tuscan Bread Salad on the side. (Red flowed) This was eaten around the table in Jay's BT ... we sat 4 adults, 2 kids around it and ate ! Amazing ! Dessert was toasted marshmellows around the fire .....after cappuccinos. Sunday we walked around a few tracks, checked the creeks etc. This was the day for the annexe set-up, it went without a hitch and Jay and Jackie are well pleased with it. Cracker (Glen and Kim (sp)) were invited out to see us and have lunch Sunday. They arrived lunchtime and left late ... as you can imagine ... three guys ...a new BT ... not enough hours in the day !!! [smile] Tea that night was J&J job and it was great fare. We had fresh tuna steaks marinated and cooked on the "Roadgrill" ...accompanied by stir-fried veges. The kids sure dug in to that lot with empty plates all round. Dessert was a cheese platter, coffees and Magnum ice-cream ..... Ah shoot me now !!! [grin] Monday was more of the same but always with the niggling thought that you have to leave today. We packed up for a 3pm departure while J&J stayed another night. We arrived home 4.30pm-ish backed The BT down the drive and parked her under her carport. A great long weekend was had by all .... Bushtrackin' ! Jay and Jackie then left for Conrad's to have the dust deflector fitted and then on to Broadwater Caravan Park on the Gold Coast. They are calling in today to Aussie Traveller ... then on to my place to do a small job in the cargo bay ...then on to BTi for some small jobs ...another solar panel and battery I think ? Access to a service provider is the problem and the reason they dropped off the planet online... but he's on to it standby for a flood !! Be interesting to hear their BT experience from pick-up to now .... Regards Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a
Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:50
Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:50
Some pics ...
Reply By: Wadefarers - Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:51
Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:51
Anthony Did you take that 1st picture with Angie especially in mind. Looks like one of those "fine" English days that she would be accustomed to. Angie, it really does get better that that you know. Keep counting!!!!! Regards Jeff
Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:52
Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:52
Thanks Anthony, your report was so good I was right there eating the Bolognese with you all. (saucy grin). Looking at the photo, I am glad we opted for a Webasto. The low temperature doesn't scare me as we are Tasmanians but it sure would be nice to be snuggled up in bed on colder mornings feeling all toasty and knowing that we wont be arguing about who doesn't get out of bed to put the coffee pot on. Love the piccies, love the report, just hate being in London right now. Angie 37 sleeps to go.
Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:53
Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:53
Now THAT'S the photo to superimpose into Piccadilly Circus with the double decker bus passing in the foreground ! ............Rob.
Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:54
Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:54
Jeff, Good call !!! Didnt think of the foggy connection with England ... and with my wife a pommie to boot .... dont worry I've exorcised most of it outta her with garlic ... a few prayers and help from 3 local priests !!! [UnGodlySmirk] Still having trouble exorcising it outta the Mother-in-Law !! [StoleHerDaughterSmile] Nina had this comment about the fog .... (out of the mouthes of 5 yr olds) ... Hey Dad ! The clouds have landed on us !!! Will they squash me if I go outside ...! Rob, Never mind the photo ... its about time Angie and Ivan superimposed their backsides onto a Qantas flight back home !!! [smile] Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a
Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:55
Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:55
Anthony said: "its about time Angie and Ivan superimposed their backsides onto a Qantas flight back home !!! " Angie said: "It's certainly not for the want of trying hard!" Still waiting for photos from the Ford dealer to come through of the Effie. He has sent them twice and no arrival this end. He is taking more tomorrow and sending them through so here's hoping with everything crossed LOL. Angie 36 sleeps to go
Reply By: Turist - Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:56
Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:56
And Anthony also said...." and with my wife a pommie to boot..."
And I always thought that is what the little black velvet whip was for Tony, the boots tend to leave lingering marks.
Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:57
Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:57
So Tony, still no luck for Jay and Jak with their ISP? Angie 28 sleeps to go