B.O.G. Incorporated

Submitted: Thursday, Jun 24, 2004 at 05:17
ThreadID: 120630 Views:3442 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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G'Day All,

We are now a registered Incorporated Association, Bushtracker Owners Group Inc.
Peter (Motley) will post more complete details in the next days.
An A.B.N. has been applied for and will be issued in the next few days

This is the first step completed on our route to becoming independent from the Microsoft organisation and will allow us to collect member fees and sponsor funds and be able to account for the moneys in an open and transparent way.
This in turn will give us the required funds to operate our own web site. (Among other things)

One of the first steps will be to elect a management committee consisting of
(a) a President;
(b) a Vice-President;
(c) a Treasurer;
d) a Secretary.

In accordance with the legal requirements we need to elect the officers and only financial members are able to vote.
I propose to hold our first election in conjunction with the Copeton Rally. Those unable to attend the rally will be able to post their vote by e-mail.

I will emphasise here that the responsibilities of officers of a registered incorporated non profit body such as ours are very limited, not at all like the responsibilities attached to a company officer or director.
There is nothing that will keep you awake at night.

For those that are interested please e-mail me and I will forward a set of Incorporated Association Rules that will explain all in full.

We have engaged a professional book keeper who will accept the mail and look after the banking for the group.
We felt that this was essential as most members are mobile and are not always in contact.
We will have our own PO Box for receipt of funds etc.

More news as it comes to hand.

"Do It While You Can"
Nobody is getting any younger.

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