RE measurements
Submitted: Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 22:08
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sorry to be vague
Thank you for the width.
The other measurement we need is internally at
the front ( Where BT puts the 2 spare tyres on the outside) the van goes out
over the tyres internally.then up (usually where the bed gains an extra
?cms) We need to know how high it is from the floor to where it curves out,
and the length of the ledge (over the tyres )
sounds as clear as mud to me
Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 22:10
Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 22:10
Bonnidoons, Our 2002 BT18 measures 5.75m (18 ft. 10.5 in) internally from bed head to rear wall. At the bed head (above the spare tyres) the internal width is 2270mm comprising bed, 1520mm, left wardrobe, 380mm and right (drivers side) wardrobe 370mm. The only regret with our design is the shoe locker/steps on either side of the bed. We would have liked them to extend a further 340mm to the end of the bed base. The longer step would make bed-making easier and you could probably fit three pairs of shoes in the locker. We are glad we chose shelves in the wardrobes instead of hanging space. We can fit all the coat hangers we need on 300mm rail across the top of the under bed compartment. - We had to consider how often we would wear clothes that needed hanging on coat hangers, whilst travelling in the bush. In three trips ranging from 4 weeks to 8 weeks we "dressed up" on only three occasions!! cheers...........Rob
Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 22:11
Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 22:11
Bonniedowns, From floor to the ledge is approximately 780mm. The ledge extends out 350mm past the front vertical wall behind the spares. These dimensions are external. Internally ...from the vinyl floor covering to the edge of the bed base (which is the ledge height as the mattress extends into the area above the spare wheels) is 760mm. The ledge internally is approx 320mm past the rear wall of the bedside cupboards before it starts to curve upward. Gone from "clear as mud" to clear as murky water" ...I hope !! [smile] Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a
Reply By: Turist - Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 22:12
Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 22:12
We had the same issue with the foot lockers, too small and didn't think to order bigger ones at construction.
However, if you are a handyman not a problem.
The foot lockers are removeable, about 4 screws on each, screws are on inside of locker.
Use originals as template to obtain width and make new ones to your required length.
For appearance we stopped ours about 150mm short of the bed length.
Looks too "boxy" if you bring them to the end of the bed.
You possibly have enough vinyl offcut from construction to cover top and face of lockers.
If all else fails the BTI should be able to supply new lockers.
Reply By: Deleted User - Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 22:13
Tuesday, Jun 29, 2004 at 22:13
Bob, Thanks comrade ! When Cindy saw the extended lockers and asked can you turn our mouse size "into rat with gold tooth" size, I said "Cant be done because ... the base circle of the extended end elevation verses the arc where it meets the front view will leave us short of patterned plasticised ply covering ....which will create serious logistic issues with my list of particular modifications... of most of... which you have a pecuniary interest ...which will extend the Copeton convivial time line experience !! To which she replied .... "You W-nker ! Four screws,some ply and glue !! Get to it ! (I think she said "Winker".) [JigsawedGrin] Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ... Tow a
Bushtracker (with extended lockers)