time for the 'joke' of the week

Submitted: Wednesday, Jun 30, 2004 at 04:43
ThreadID: 120641 Views:3237 Replies:3 FollowUps:0
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In our local free paper that we get on the Underground tube here in London the following was reported: The not so nice side of air travel During each 18.5hour flight: Each of your fellow 180 passengers will shed 11.1million skin cells and lose up to 100 strands of hair, making a total of about 2billion skin cells and up to 180,000 hairs shed into the air and deposited on seats. They will each pass nearly 500ml of intestinal gas by flatulence, releasing gas, odour molecules and bits of rather unpleasant matter into the air you breathe. A total of about 150 litres of fluid will be lost through sweat Altogether, 144 litres of stomach gas will be burped into the air 333billion cells will die in each passengers body Wearing headphones for in-flight entertainment for just five hours of your flight will increase the bacteria in your ears 3,500 fold The man sat next to you will get up to eight erections during the flight Combined, all of your fellow passengers will contain about 2.7lb of bacteria And this is just for 180 passengers let alone in the planes we will be flying in that take over 300 passengers. You wouldn't want to be an obsessive compulsive. I wonder if there is a slow boat that we can take instead? Angie 29 sleeps to go
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Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Jun 30, 2004 at 04:45

Wednesday, Jun 30, 2004 at 04:45
Angie, Bring back cabin fumigation for all arriving flights into Australia!! We don't want contaminated bodies crawling all over our Bushtrackers at Copeton, leaving hairs, skin particles and rotten air all through them. There's not a slow boat that would get here in 29 sleeps, unless you want to postpone your pick up day for a few weeks....and miss Copeton......leaving us with clean vans!! Alternatively, we all have hoses, and we now know what your effie looks like........... Cheers.........Rob
AnswerID: 562560

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Jun 30, 2004 at 04:46

Wednesday, Jun 30, 2004 at 04:46
Sorry Angie ...that second last statistic just doesnt stand up !!! hahahahahahaha !! Ivan, can you test that statistic during the flight please .... Female flight attendant initiated dont count ok !! [PerfumedStockingedShortSkirtedVoluptuousFemaleFlightAttendantGrin] Report at Copeton pronto !! (at the all boys meetings) Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 562561

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Wednesday, Jun 30, 2004 at 04:47

Wednesday, Jun 30, 2004 at 04:47
Thanks Rob and Anthony. Both bits of useless information taken on board. I will make sure that Ivan is fumigated before attempting to join the elitist group at Copeton (Brutaftershavegrin) Anthony, sorry but Ivan will not be able to test that statistic as he will be wearing eye shades the whole trip. Something about not wanting to be distracted from the vision of loveliness that is his trouble and strife. LOL. Angie 29 sleeps to go
AnswerID: 562562

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