Drying the shower after use
Submitted: Thursday, Jul 01, 2004 at 00:59
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Noosa Fox
We have always wiped down the shower after use with a yellow or green absorbant clothe sold in supermarkets for dishes etc, but it has taken a bit of time to wake up to empting the water out of the shower rose before starting the days travel. We now simply unscrew the head of the shower rose, tilt it downwards so all the water comes out and tjen screw it back in place, and no more drips on the floor hile travelling. Another thing that we found necessary on the rough roads is to tilt the top of the shower rose back so that the gap between it and the roof does not allow it to bounce out of the holder, and possibly get damaged when it hits the floor. Brian
Reply By: Deleted User - Thursday, Jul 01, 2004 at 01:01
Thursday, Jul 01, 2004 at 01:01
The beauty of buying secord hand or rather third hand
Bushtracker is that we inherited all the hints to keep it looking like new. Previous owners had a flat plastic scraper (a bit like a window washer without the spongy bit) to wipe down the shower wall. Before travelling, placed an old towel on the floor (to avoid any rubbing), a plastic basin on that, old towel in it, then placed shower rose in that! All stays clean, dry and like new.
Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Thursday, Jul 01, 2004 at 01:02
Thursday, Jul 01, 2004 at 01:02
Hi motherhen. That little gadget is called a squeegee just in case anyone else is interested in getting one. Usually available at homestores and wherever they sell cleaning products. The basin idea is a good one. Angie yes, still 28 sleeps to go
Reply By: Deleted User - Thursday, Jul 01, 2004 at 01:03
Thursday, Jul 01, 2004 at 01:03
Brian, et al, We use both the sqeegy and the yellow cloth but have not had a leaky rose at all while travelling. Wouldn't be all that bad if it did though, as on the floor we carry our little rectangular herb garden which contains parsely and garlic chives - we could lie the rose in the garden if it did leak. Underneath the plastic planter box is a sheet of holed rubber matting (Clark Rubber) which covers the whole shower floor and stops the planter box from sliding around ! Cheers........Rob