We Are Alive, Well, and Enjoying Our New Home!!

Submitted: Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:50
ThreadID: 120649 Views:3466 Replies:10 FollowUps:0
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Hi Everyone and Angie too: We departed Melbourne 28 May shortly after giving each other exceptionally short haircuts.
What you do not see in the first picture is the 10' trailer containing all of our "worldly possessions." Enroute to BTi we stopped for a couple of nights in Nimbin to check out the alternative life style reported to exist - it definitely does exist! We also stopped at Anthony's to deliver all of his - our former - surround sound system, and
Angie's 20" flat screen (the picture is fantastic), and Angie's VCR. The next few nights were in a cabin at Forest Glen climbing over all of our "worldly possessions" and wondering where it would all fit. After some minor hiccups we took delivery on Friday, 4 June, and slept very peacefully in our new home that first night parked outside of our cabin which was still filled with our "worldly possessions". Saturday was frantic! We had to vacate the cabin by noon; we had to have everything stowed in either in the BT or the Effie in time to move from the cabin area to the caravan area and get settled before dark. At 4:00 pm I told Jackie to just start putting the boxes onto the floor so that we could move before 5:00 pm. The pictures at the cabin area and inside our new home provide some insight into what we were attempting to accomplish in one day - no way! The next week was spent packing and unpacking the Effie - our onsite storage as we stowed our Land Yacht. Every night all of the boxes were piled on the seats and in the canopy and every morning they were put onto the slab so we could see what was left. It soon became clear that even with all of our cabinet space (we opted for lots of cabinets and access doors and minimal counter space), we simply had too much gear for the space. Anthony promptly announced: "All donations cheerfully accepted." Boy did he receive a lot of donations - cooking stuff, tools, storage boxes, et cetera. Additionally, we shipped back to Melbourne two large boxes and two large duffle bags. AND, we are still working on cutting back on what we brought. I anticipate that when we return to Melbourne in November, a lot of "stuff" will be left behind before we go to Tasmania and Cape York next year. After a week of stowing we deserved a break. Saturday morning we departed Forest Glen and met up with Anthony and family at Neerum Creek Bush Retreat for the Q-bday weekend. A fantastic weekend was had by all. On Sunday we were joined by Cracker and Kim for the afternoon - note the pics of the boys under our BT looking at the Webasto fuel tank. We departed Tuesday and went to Conrad's place to have our wind deflector installed; then went to Broadwater caravan park for the balance of the week. Great place to stay; we were backed to the beach. 21 June found us back at Forest Glen for the week as we had planned on going into BTi for a three-week fine-tune <grin>. Didn't happen as planned as I had some dental emergencies. 25 June was incredible. The head photographer (Rob) from Express Publications flew up from Sydney and met us at 8:00 am for a photo shoot of Big Red. After the detail photos, we hitched up the Land Yacht and took off for the Glass House Mountains. You should have been there - picture (hopefully it will be on the October/November cover of Australian 4WD Monthly) Big Red towing TGINTL's Land Yacht at 60k down the dirt bull dusty track and Rob is in the middle of the track with a 2' long lens shooting us as we get closer and closer and at the last minute he steps out of the way as we go past. We did that several times at different locations. The effect was a picture of Big Red outlined by the white of the BT, and dust is completely surrounding us to create a halo. Will not find out for a while if we have a cover shot or an inside pic as part of the article. We returned to Forest Glen for lunch; Rob spoke to his editor and then requested to shoot our Land Yacht. It turns out that Express Publications also owns Caravan and Motorhome and apparently hasn't had the opportunity to review a Bushtracker for many years. Of course we agreed; promptly called Tracy at BTi and suggested he send technical photos and information to supplement the article. We are now at Cotton Tree for the next couple of weeks restowing each and every nook and cranny, dealing with my dental issues, and generally enjoying our new lifestyle. In addition to the interior pictures which are self-explanatory (if anyone has questions send me an email), I have included three of the annexe which is built in three layers (totally open with only the netting, totally open with the plastic windows closed so that you can have light and see out during the day when the weather is lousy, and completely closed for privacy), some exterior photos that are labeled, and three of our Effie during a bush driving course (it was a lot steeper than it looks in the photos). Hope you enjoy the photos; we have enjoyed living through the experience.Look forward to seeing all of you at Copeton. Cheers, TGINTL/TGINTL 2 JAY/JAK We are currently exploring the vastness of Australia. Details of our adventure are posted at www.geocities.com/luvntravln
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Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:52

Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:52
Hi Jay/Jak I have been folowing your story re purchase of the van with interest. Its nice to see it all coming together for you. Goodness you are taking some gear. I can recall when we colected our rig from Perth. We flew there from Sydney with two suitcases of stuf for the return journey. It was more than enough, so traveling light can be done. (Rita only took 4 pairs of shoes) As you will be living permanently on the road you will need more gear but the temptation to throw everything in the van just in case you might need it is hard to resist. On our travels we have met full time travelers and there have been some remarkable contrasts between them, from total cluter to absolute neatness. Both however said that full time travel was a lifestyle not a holiday. I found that interesting as i had considered this to be a full time holiday. They are corect of course. And all of them without exception loved the lifestyle. Enjoy the adventure and we will keep an eye out for you on our travels. Stay well Vidas and Rita
AnswerID: 562594

Reply By: Noosa Fox - Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:53

Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:53
Jay, Most caravanners take took much stuff that rarely gets used away with them. We had some electrical items in the van that haven't been used so far, so we took them down to the St Vincents centre here in Broome and made a donation, so no doubt as time goes on you will also continue to thin out what you have with you. Glad to here that everything is going well and look forward to seeing the write up in the magazine. Are you able to get Rob to put something in about our Copeton Rally and perhaps come or send a representative to the rally to do a feature on all the vans there. Brian
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AnswerID: 562595

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:54

Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:54
Hi Jay and Jackie, Glad things went well (well at least 99% of the time) for your pickup and move towards the permanent caravanning lifestyle. Have been waiting (rather impatiently Ivan would say) for the report and piccies and the smiles on the faces are no less than I expected given all the meticulous research and preparation. Must admit I myself did a smile when I read your report about how much stuff you have and whether it would all fit as I have that same fear. We are up to 7 t-chest size boxes with the packing and that is without clothes and the stuff we have stored in Tassie. Oh well, maybe we will take a leaf out of your book and give all our excess to Anthony. He has a big shed LOL. Thanks for dropping off the monitor and VCR. If I see Anthony watching the cricket out in the shed whilst tinkering with the cars, I'll at least know where he is keeping them. See you at Copeton. Angie 24 sleeps to go.
AnswerID: 562596

Reply By: Luvntravln - Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:55

Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:55
Hi Everyone Thanks for the kind thoughts. There is no doubt that on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis we will be reevaluating what we have and slowly eliminating the unused. Lets face it: if you don't subtract; you can't add! Jak bought a couple of new shirts at Eumundi Market and promptly subtracted two oldies when we returned home! I will ask Rob if we can get a sneak preview blurb in the magazine about Copeton. The articles about our equipment will not be published until after Copeton. Safe travels. tgintl/jay We are currently exploring the vastness of Australia. Details of our adventure are posted at www.geocities.com/luvntravln
AnswerID: 562597

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:56

Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:56
tgintl, I remember an old rule about packing to go away......... Put out everything you want to take, put half of it back and you've got what you need! Perhaps on the "ON THE WALLABY CHECKLIST" (Ref: HINTS & TIPS) there should be a reference to numbers of each item! A freind of mine recently went on a two month trip to the Cape and packed 9 pairs of shoes... he wore only two for the whole trip! Sounds like you're having fun.........we are all envious! Enjoy your new lifestyle..............Rob & Liz
AnswerID: 562598

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:57

Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:57
Angie, What screen and vcr ?? I cant wait til Copeton so I can show off my new screen and vcr !! [greatViewingSmirk] Dont worry ! They are packed away in the storeroom .... What's that Cindy ? Oh ok ! Cindy says "They are packed away in the storeroom most of the time !!". I'll guard them with my life Angie. If Cindy touches them I'll spank her bottom ... guaranteed !!! Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 562599

Reply By: Turist - Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:58

Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:58
What was that flash I just saw?

Oh!, just Cindy heading for the storeroom.
"Do It While You Can"
Nobody is getting any younger.

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AnswerID: 562600

Reply By: Bushtracker Buck & Babe - Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:59

Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 04:59
Ah yes, but what will Cindy do to you if she catches you touching them? Judging by the quality of the pictures on Jay and Jackie's we will enjoy watching our 49 DVD's of Star Trek TNG Series 1-7 episodes. Angie 23 sleeps to go (plus a few sleepettes)
AnswerID: 562601

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 05:00

Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 05:00
Jay, You went past and didn't call in! Macka at Shailer Park
AnswerID: 562602

Reply By: Luvntravln - Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 05:01

Sunday, Jul 04, 2004 at 05:01
Macka, I did? Where is Shailer Park? I just looked in the latest database and there isn't any information regarding a "Macka"; also looked at your profile and no information. Sorry about that! Thanks for thinking of us anyway! Angie, me too looking forward to watching your DVDs. Rob, we are having a great time and between us we do have at least 9 pairs of shoes if we include bicycle, runners, hickers, waders, walkers, sandals, and deck shoes. Cheers everyone, tgintl/jay We are currently exploring the vastness of Australia. Details of our adventure are posted at www.geocities.com/luvntravln
AnswerID: 562603

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