
Submitted: Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 00:58
ThreadID: 120656 Views:8046 Replies:5 FollowUps:0
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Anthony, Since you have oil industry experience I would like your advice concerning using the following oils at http://www.synforce.com.au and http://www.trubluoil.com.au would there be an increase in power like they suggest? In your opinion are they worth it? Thanks in advance Macka (Peter)
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Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 01:00

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 01:00
Macka, Far be it from me to poo-poo anyones oil or even promote one. Something that has crept into our very lives lately is this term "increase" we all seem to want more, more , more. [smile] So any measured increase no matter how small is promoted on packaging and advertising as an increase and we see "wow" an increase in power and/or usually followed by a decrease in fuel consumption. There is no doubt it increases power ..I've seen it on a dyno for myself .... but how much of an increase is justified for the price of synth verses mineral ? In a 300Kw V8 engine I've seen 5 ish Kw from mineral to synth .... mineral oil was $30 ..synth was $75. You probably have more to gain (that is, less fuel consumed) from keeping your tyre pressures at the recommended level. Most people dont check tyres very often ... Boggers excluded ...[smile] This is the example I use .... ... I have this product in this box that about 80-90% of people if they start to use it will save you fuel ...I guarantee you will gain in K's per 100 litres .... in some cases it will be a huge increase in economy .... it retails to you for $99.99 an has full instructions inside ... bring it back if it doesnt save you money at the bowser ..you grab one and take it home and open it up .... Inside is a tyre gauge and a 1-1/2 block of wood ... Instructions say ...check tyre pressures and then place block of wood under accelerator ...drive car at any time. Please return if you dont save fuel compared to yesterday. In my view synthetic oils are about saving wear and being much more stable at elevated temps ..the tiny power increase is a side effect. Placing them in an engine too early can cause big problems with bed-in of the engine. Check with the oil manufacturer and the car maker as to when to run synth. Regards Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ... Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 562641

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 01:01

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 01:01
Thanks Anthoney
A well considered answer
AnswerID: 562642

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 01:02

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 01:02
They have claims on their website that could only be said to be - well blatently fraudulent. I would not touch the stuff even if it was free. You would want to sight their insurance policies and who they are with, then read the fine print to see what sort of backup they have. I would go as far as to say you have little respect for your equipment if you put that stuff into it. We use Mobil for many reasons, but mainly technical backup and service. The only place we do not use Mobil is one mineral diesel oil and then we use Caltex Delo 400. In all other engines, gearboxes and diffs we only use Mobil synthetic. All the vehicles are on extended servicing regimes. The minimum any get an oil change is 35,000k's or 18 months. I have just changed the oil in my Pajero for the second time since purchase. First time at 5,000km and now at 40,000km. Some of the larger trucks are doing 100,000 to 150,000km between oil changes.
AnswerID: 562643

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 01:03

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 01:03
Just to add more fuel to the fire, have a look at www.redlineoil.com.au I was having some trouble with gear changes due to worn synchro rings on third gear in my 96 cruiser. I changed over to Redline Shockproof Lightweight oil and have had no trouble since. In the process for the cost of $120.00 for 3 Quarts I saved the $3500.00 I was about to shell out for a gearbox reco. After achieving great results with the gearbox I have changed the rest of the driveline over to Redline products as well. As there is no distributor in the NT I have been dealing directly with the Australian distributor in WA. I have found the staff there to be very helpful and informative. I believe that Coventrys Auto Parts stocks the products elsewhere in the country.

Cheers Pete
AnswerID: 562644

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 01:04

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 01:04
Pete, I'm using Redline shockproof in the front diff/gearbox/centre diff assembly on my WRX Impreza. I connected two thermocouples to the box to see the claimed temp reduction ..I managed a reduction from around 75 deg C to 67 ...not bad !!! The shift has improved markedly over the stock hypoid gear oil (mineral). 1st was always hard to select when hot and this problem has all but vanished. On fast 1-2 shifts I still beat the synchros but the "nick" into second is much reduced. Hopefully the shock proofing of the parts will eliminate wear. I am definitely getting better torque split sensing in the front/rear with application of power sharper in the front wheels (its all wheel drive) coming hard out of a corner with a slight reduction in understeer. Shame about the price of the stuff ..... As soon as the Forester gearbox is run-in I'm going shockproof in it also. If it does half of what it claims I'll be happy ! Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 562645

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