Jaunty Jordans re Awning on your BT

Submitted: Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 23:52
ThreadID: 120698 Views:3711 Replies:13 FollowUps:0
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Would much appreciate information about your extending arm awning fitted to your BT. Is it by Aussie Traveller? How far out does it stretch? and how high at the leading edge is it from the ground when extended? We are planning to fit such an awning but as we havn't seen one installed yet (by Aussie Traveller primarily- but haven't had an opportunity to check any manufacturers products out thoroughly) I was wondering if it would be affected by dust getting into joints/sprockets of the folding arm?? Your impression and details would be helpful. Great photos - you did believe in getting down and dirty on your first trip.... really tried your BT out by the looks of it!! Cheers Helen
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Reply By: Jaunty Jordans - Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:02

Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:02
Hi Helen, We had a very difficult time talking Paul into fitting our awning because he thinks they get blown over the top of the van in high winds. However I was determined to get this one or something similar, it had to be vinyl because of the humidity (read that as mould loving) here in the NT. We are very pleased with it for a number of reasons: * ease of set up. I am vertically challenged and I can do it on my own without a step ladder. No winding mechanisms either *canvas will mould and rot in humid or wet conditions and cannot be easily cleaned. Vinyl can be hosed down and dries quickly or it can be rolled up wet and left for a week if you can't get it dry immediately. *as for windy conditions, we very rarely have it out without tying it down and pegging if staying for a few days and even at Falls Creek when the wind came up and we didn't have it pegged down we just flipped the catch and she rolled up in seconds. As for height it runs along pretty much the top of the van and you can extend it at any angle or height to suit. It is from Aussie Traveller and called a Sunburst Eclipse, they have pics on their website but make sure you get Antiflap Kit and Storm Rafter to go with it. That way you have option of adding walls or shadecloth etc. I will post some pics for you early next week showing setup options. No dust penetrated the working parts and a good hose cleaned the vinyl after our trip so I am very pleased with our choice. Prue
AnswerID: 562873

Reply By: TripnTaps - Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:03

Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:03
Thanks Prue for the feedback and opinion. Will look forward to the pics when you can post them on site. Cheers, Helen
AnswerID: 562874

Reply By: Noosa Fox - Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:04

Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:04
I agree about what the Jordans have said about the Vynal, but the reason that I would stick with the BTi recommended Aussie Traveller awning is that they are far more durable in the closed position while in the bush. If BT owners plan on taking their caravans to the really remote areas, then they have to realise that this will involve pushing their BT through scrub and bush at times. The places we have been would have seen the exposed roll of awning ripped a number of times, when tree branches have run along the top of our awning box, and I believe the support legs would have also been damaged by bush work. Please consider the more robust nature of the standard awning when deciding what type that you have fitted to your van. Brian
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AnswerID: 562875

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:05

Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:05
Brian is spot on regarding awnings in scrub. We have a Dometic A and E awning with arms which run down the side of the vehicle. Because the vehicle is so high the awning is prone to damage from scrub and tree brances. We have ripped our awning off the vehicle when we struck an unseen tree branch. The exposed vinyl and arms also have numerous scratches from encounters with scrub. I have reinstaled the awning using Sikaflex without any screws or bolts in an atempt to make it more flexible. So far it has worked and has stayed in place over some very rough roads. Having an enclosed awning like the Aussie T is a good idea as the vinyl is protected. But it is still vulnerable to overhead damage. It is probably worth considering ataching some sort of deflecting bar on the leading edge of the awning. This might help to push srub away and protect the awning a bit. Vidas
AnswerID: 562876

Reply By: Oldperc - Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:06

Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:06
yea, we have found the Aussie T to be great in the bush but be aware, from our experience, the ends are only plastic and break off/crack when a branch does get in the way. (we lost the rear one to a branch) David.
David and Ann
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AnswerID: 562877

Reply By: Jaunty Jordans - Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:07

Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:07
Helen, Have added photos to our album. Some of the arm of the awning, used to adjust height of awning. Its very simple. Have also added photos of interior layout, I know your BT is already on the road but thought you might be interested. Did you have a look at the Aussie Traveller website? It has photos of the awning (Sunburst Eclipse). Prue
AnswerID: 562878

Reply By: TripnTaps - Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:08

Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:08
Hi Prue Thanks for those photos. Will pass them on to John for his close scrutiny.... yes I had checked out the Aussie Traveller Website and got info sent from them about this awning but they don't show as much detail as your pics. Your interior looks very smart. I got a sample of the same fabric you had originally picked but think the one you got instead is very classy. Did you make the log cabin quilt cover?... clever girl! I've noticed a few other interiors with 'special' quilt covers.. there must be a lot of skills among the bogger ladies. Cheers, Helen
AnswerID: 562879

Reply By: Jaunty Jordans - Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:09

Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:09
Hi Helen, Yes quilt cover is mine but of course it was made with original decor in mind. May have to now make another more closely co ordinated with upholstery colours. Hope pics weredetailed /good enough, if you need more just give us a yell as it is no trouble to take photos and download. As to comments above we feel that this awning will stand up to just as much abuse as the other and if we are off road where there are likely to be overhanging trees/branches we always have bowsaw on board for firewood. To be honest though are you going to take the BT into such rough areas cos I'm not that keen on scratching the van to that extent! Doesn't mean you don't go off road ( and believe me we do up here) but one of us usually goes ahead to check for the aforementioned obstacles. Some sort of protective cover should not be too hard to design and fit if you feel it necessary. Luv Prue
AnswerID: 562880

Reply By: Turist - Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:10

Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:10
For you quilters.
When researching what was happening in the Inverell area at the time of our rally I noticed a quilting exhibition.
Not being a needlework fan I put it out of mind and did not note the details.
A google might find something or a call to Inverell tourism.

Just promise no quilting talk around the campfire bar.

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AnswerID: 562881

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:11

Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:11
Prue, Can't tell from the photos, but your awning appears to protrude more from the side of the van. The Aussie Traveller protudes 100mm beyond the width of the rear bumper, which is 2.380, and the maximum protrusion on the other side is the spare wheel (40mm) giving an overall width of 2.520 which exceeds the Australian Design Rule width of 2.500 (excluding rear vision mirrors, indicators and clearance lights). So there's no tolerences for adding to the width. Perhaps BTI could explain why we exceed the ADR. I'd hate to have a large OVERSIZE sign attached to the rear of my BT. By the way, if you're travelling the Pacific Highway, north of Taree, and you are on Channel 29, you'll hear the truckies call "northbound Coopernook" or "southbound Coopernook" - If you are travelling in the opposite direction, slow down as the truck has called right-of-way over the 6m wide bridge. It's a good idea to adopt the practice yourself so that trucks (and other BT's )know you are approaching. There is no room for error and the awnings are vulnerable. Cheers........Rob.
AnswerID: 562882

Reply By: F Troop - Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:12

Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:12
Absolutely no skills at all with this bogger gal - unless you count Rum and campfire nights. Oh yeah, and cocktail making/drinking. And lets not forget port and chocolate imbiding. You can tell I'm winding up for a good one. can't you! Jan PS - After having re-read this little post, I now feel all gooey over the fact that I am obviously multi-skilled. hic.
AnswerID: 562883

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:13

Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:13
Hi Rob,

That Coopernook bridge is a real trap - I had to stop and let two northbound trucks cross, and I wasn't even towing the Bushtracker on the back.

I absolutely agree with your advice about calling ahead on CH29 when you are towing.

AnswerID: 562884

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:14

Wednesday, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:14
I dont mind stopping when southbound as the Coopernook pub serves a mean beer, and it's right alongside the bridge. Greg
AnswerID: 562885

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