Macka's Gold Cables $$$$
Submitted: Thursday, Sep 09, 2004 at 21:06
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G'day Macka, There's gold in them there hills ...lets dig it out !! [smile] Gold cables are a reasonable request for a BT (TongueInCheekSmile] except for .... Gold is not a great conductor compared to copper. Copper is used as the benchmark for metal conductivity. A figure of 100 is given to annealed copper at 20 deg C and then other metals can be given a rating compared to the copper . A few examples .... Gold 65 Brass 78 Wrought Iron 11.4 Lead 7 Aluminium 45 And the big surprise ...Silver 106 ! Lucky the wires have no lead in them, bad news there !! With the price of gold compared to silver its even better !!! As I understand it gold is used on terminals for its non corrosive properties not conductivity. Its so inert it doesnt even get a film on its surface in the presence of a charge and moisture. Like you said ...Imagine the weight ...the first BT21 with 8 wheels !!! [smile] Also ...the price of vans in general is going towards the moon ...Dont they all come with gold cables now !!! [wink] Maybe just silver ones !! Regards Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a
Reply By: Deleted User - Monday, Aug 16, 2004 at 00:07
Monday, Aug 16, 2004 at 00:07
Thanks Anthony, Very interesting I had always thought gold was the best conductor seems silver is Kindest regards Macka ( oh and I was just joshing tongue in cheek)