How many got legally robbed by Abrolga

Submitted: Saturday, Aug 21, 2004 at 21:37
ThreadID: 121403 Views:34429 Replies:6 FollowUps:0
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We feel disgustingly robbed ripped off and violated by Abrolga for such a poor to useless satellite system when you can buy proper systems for $600 The Abrolga dish is difficult to awkward to impossible to use. Will bought a Jaycar speaker stand from Jaycar after viewing it on a website and a new 2' 2" dish from Globalsat while in Adelaide. I can put up the gear in 5 min. Justin the good man from Globalsat gave us a demo to show how easy if you follow a simple procedure. Wills mate installed new cabling and we use the SatTV every night. I know I have stopped 4 other people from getting robbed by telling them about this website We just wish it had been shown to us by other BT owners prior to getting legally robbed FOR SALE cheap useless awkward Abrolga SatTVdish I ordered a Lemair washing machine yesterday morning. We are hanging around here till Tuesday so we can pick it up.
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Reply By: Deleted User - Saturday, Aug 21, 2004 at 22:44

Saturday, Aug 21, 2004 at 22:44
G'day Marie, Because technology is moving at a great pace combined with the speed of manufacture in China this was always going to be the case. LCD screens is another example. Sat decoders are now half the size (and price) of mine ...another example. I bought a Campersat System some 2 yrs ago for $1800 ish so I could say I got legally robbed also but I've had the system for 2 yrs and used it every time when out in the BT. I can barter the extra $1000 off to "use for 2 yrs" so is not too bad. With the research capability of the internet coupled with forums on just about any subject the risk of buying "bad value" is severely reduced. We all still get the occasional bad value and I just put it down to bad experience .... what you miss on the round-a-bout you pick up on the hurdy gurdy !! In the end it evens out a bit I suppose. The BOG is a prime example ...the option list of a BT today compared to 2.5 yrs ago ... WOW !! In today's fast technology world I'd always say .... research ...research ...research and talk to others as much as possible before spending hard earned dollars. Then it will only be outta date/style in 1 year ....[smile] Regards Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 564820

Reply By: TripnTaps - Sunday, Aug 22, 2004 at 01:46

Sunday, Aug 22, 2004 at 01:46
Hi Marie, Don't have this system but one of our members Jan of Rockgoc has been very frustrated with their Abrolga and as yet has been unable to get signal & they have been trying since April (see note in her recent posting 'Leaking round Door') It is a lot of money to spend not to get satisfaction let alone use from the equipment. Jan also has the Lemair washing machine and is very happy with that. How long are you in Australia.... take it you are on safari from Finland? Regards, Helen
AnswerID: 564821

Reply By: Deleted User - Sunday, Aug 22, 2004 at 03:26

Sunday, Aug 22, 2004 at 03:26
We have lived in Australia permanently since 2001. Now proud Aussies from December 7 2002 We choose Australia as we loved Australia from when worked for 5 years at the university. We had to leave to go to US for three years. Then took another 5 years to get us back. Retired but doing some work for eucalyptus research while on wallaby. We truly love gum tree. Our daughter is resident Finland till the end of this year. She has a permanent position in Bendigo Victoria February. The lady at the Community House when not complete today said here is the key and lock up when finish and put key in door slot. I ask if I can take key and come back later and she says no problem any time. I write emails all day to catch up. Marie a little slack last few months. More people tell us the Abrolga not good equipment for travel. Dish on stand no comparison to dish on ground you cannot move or swing and lose level. We trade in receiver for better unit for travel and only have scraps left of Abrolga. You buy equipment expecting it to be good for purpose and in ball park price. Abrolga dish is not good for purpose. 3 times over price and not right gear is shocking bad deal. Will tells everybody when they ask about the SatTV how disgustingly we was robbed and how to get a good deal. Jan find if she get Jaycar speaker stand and new right dish and proper gear demonstration is quick to work. Wills mate at the university in Adelaide fix up new SatTV cable and fix up all van system and fit more solar panel. Will get new mobile phone in Albury. We can connect to Internet while on the wallaby. We leave here Tuesday and travel to Albury. Come back Monday to send more emails.
AnswerID: 564822

Reply By: Motley - Sunday, Aug 22, 2004 at 07:03

Sunday, Aug 22, 2004 at 07:03
At the risk of starting one of those unwinnable debates, I felt the need to comment on this posting re Abrolga Satellite dishes. I am aware that Jan (Rockgoc) has been having difficulties getting her system set up and that in turn prompted me to contact Abrolga expressing concern about the current price of their system and the availability of after sales service. I agree that price that is quoted sets an expectation in terms of the quality of the product and the service. On the product quality, I must say that I am very happy with my purchase. The packaging suits our needs and I have found that on at least three occasions, in very windy conditions, a few rocks in the base of the Abrolga case kept our system tuned and stable whilst we witnessed tripod-supported dishes continuously toppling over in the wind.

On the subject of setup, coincidentally, I towed our BT to our home today to prepare for the trip to Copeton. I timed a setup of the Abrolga from getting the case out of storage under the bed to sitting in front of a picture. It took just over 4 minutes including looking up set-up parameters for our current location because I had not previously used the Abrolga here.

At Katherine last year, the Abrolga was the subject of some discussion amongst several other campers because we were the only people to receive a satellite signal.

So on the quality of the product and the innovation of the packaging I have to disagree. I think it works well.

On the subject of service, Abolga are letting themselves down badly and it will cost them the market. I have already expressed my disappointment to Grahame Kermode because I believe that several BT owners may have purchased Abrolga based upon my recommendation and when they need to contact him for help with set-up, the response either nil or days later.
As to being "legally robbed", on reflection I was probably legally robbed when I purchased my first mobile phone for nearly $4,000! I now I get legally robbed every time I purchase a new piece of computer equipment. Like the Color LaserJet we purchased at work 3 years ago for nearly $14,000 that can now be bought for around $2,200.

I think the "robbed" bit comes into play when the system doesn't meet expectations. And that comes back to installation and training. And then it doesn't matter what you pay, the need is the same.

The real shortcoming as I see it is that the whole system should be installed, configured, tested and handed over in working condition when you collect your Bushtracker. Between Sound in Motion and BTI, I think there should be a plan to incorporate proper training and handover of after market gear.

There is no reason why the card could not be authorised, and the system tested at BT before you leave. Maybe this is a discussion topic for Copeton?

Life's too short to drink bad wine.

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AnswerID: 564823

Reply By: TripnTaps - Monday, Aug 23, 2004 at 06:54

Monday, Aug 23, 2004 at 06:54
Hello again Marie, I know how hard it was to move interstate and relocate..... cannot imagine the enormity of moving to another part of the world to live permanently and make it your homeland. You must really love Australia as well as our gum trees! We have always lived in rural areas and like you, our family loves the bush. It certainly becomes part of your life and our environment has influences in so many ways. We have a son who is an Ecologist in NSW and a daughter who is a Plant and Wildlife Illustrator (and another who is a Winemaker..... influenced probably by his parents drinking copious bottles of red & white wine ) The diversity of our flora and fauna is part of the attraction for getting out there with our wonderful caravans and exploring. Safe travelling, Regards, Helen
AnswerID: 564824

Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Sep 01, 2004 at 03:45

Wednesday, Sep 01, 2004 at 03:45
At the time we purchased our Abrolga, it was World Cup Rugby time and under normal circumstances would have probably spent up to $2,000 on tickets to live games in Sydney and Melbourne. However, we forego the live games and watched every game we could whilst camped in our BT along the Murray River, thereby justifying the money spent on the Abrolga. Incidentally, the card that came with the Abrolga still doesn't work. The "other" card no longer gets Foxtel/Austar but it does get the FTA channels and we are happy with that considering how little we watch TV anyway. Regards,................Rob.
AnswerID: 564825

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