new toilet available

Submitted: Tuesday, Aug 31, 2004 at 07:04
ThreadID: 121412 Views:9613 Replies:9 FollowUps:0
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For those of you who have a van on order ther is a new type of toilet available. It is a DometicVT 2500 vacuum toilet. It is more expensive than the standard but according to what I have read it means no smells and no chemicals. It has a china bowl so no problems with scratching when cleaning. Steve has one up and running and says that it is what will be in his next van. I have just changed my van to include one.
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Reply By: Deleted User - Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 00:22

Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 00:22
Brian, Follow this link,473,1290.aspx William
AnswerID: 564866

Reply By: Noosa Fox - Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 02:43

Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 02:43
Thanks for that, William, Very impressive set up, I now see why GoodPal is going that way. In the last Caravan World magazine they have a write up on a Boroma Caravan that must have this one fitted. In my earlier comment, the only thing I really had against them was the hugh tank that Conrad has in his van, but this model is much better size for the average caravan, and could be emptied in any of the National Park environmental composting toilets that don't allow chemically treated waste to be disposed in them. It will be interesting to see the results of how you find it GoodPal 50, but it certainly sounds like a good product to have. Brian
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AnswerID: 564867

Reply By: gottabjoaken - Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 03:16

Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 03:16
Since there is a vaccuum pump, extracting air (gas) from the system, someone, somewhere MUST be getting the smell !! I guess it just depends where the pump vents are as to who, but you'd hope it wasn't into your annex.... Ken
AnswerID: 564868

Reply By: Deleted User - Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 05:53

Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 05:53
I have not seen the system yet but I imagine it has some type of charcoal canister on the vent outlet to absorb odour ? There is an absorption canister/vent combo on Conrad's system. From memory it looked like a spin on-spin off disposable type like an oil filter .... Anthony Explore this Great Land ...Do it Easy ...Tow a Bushtracker
AnswerID: 564869

Reply By: Noosa Fox - Tuesday, Aug 31, 2004 at 09:21

Tuesday, Aug 31, 2004 at 09:21
A few days ago while at Conrad and Niza's home, I saw and used the one that they have in their new van and it is very similar to those in commercial aircraft. It certainly sucks the waste away quickly and places a small amount of water in the bowl ready for the next customer. For a short time afterwards there is the sound of the vaccuum pumping. They have about a 200 litre tank under the bed and Conrad said that it lasted the 2 of them living in the van full time 3 weeks. While they are very nice, clean and odour free, the down side is that you have a considerable increase in weight is the system even in its empty state, without it being full of S***. From my experience I think it would be much easier to find a place to dispose of the Thetford cassette than to find a dump point to pump out the big tank. Not only does it take up a lot of room that is useful for storing other items that we like to carry with us, it also adds at least 200 kgs of weight when it is near full. I don't find that our toilet smells anyway, so I think people should put a lot of thought into it before taking this option. Conrads Van is a 27 foot Tri axel and has tare weight of (I think) 3700kg and a 5500kg allowable gross, and there are not many vehicles around that can legally tow such a van. Anyone putting one of these toilets in would no doubt have to have a gross above the 3500kg that most vehicles can tow, so only the F250 with 4500 kg tow capacity would be able to tow them. Brian
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AnswerID: 564870

Reply By: Goodpal50 - Tuesday, Aug 31, 2004 at 09:58

Tuesday, Aug 31, 2004 at 09:58
The system I am talking about is a cassette type system . The storage is 14 litres. Weight of the toilet is 6 kg and the storage system 6 kg empty. If anyone is interested have a look at under recreational vehicles, sanitation sub heading.
AnswerID: 564871

Reply By: Jaunty Jordans - Tuesday, Aug 31, 2004 at 11:37

Tuesday, Aug 31, 2004 at 11:37
Hi guys, We are quite happy with our Thetford and don't find it smells!! The minute you mention vitreous china I tend to become a little nervous; instantly think breakable if travelling on rough roads. I know that vit china is tough and they wouldn't install them if they couldn't handle the ride, but........... Prue
AnswerID: 564872

Reply By: Oldperc - Tuesday, Aug 31, 2004 at 18:23

Tuesday, Aug 31, 2004 at 18:23
It would be great if information like this could be under the Message Board 'Options $ Extras" for everybody's easy future reference rather than being lost in the bowls of General Messages. regards David
David and Ann
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AnswerID: 564873

Reply By: Noosa Fox - Wednesday, Sep 01, 2004 at 08:04

Wednesday, Sep 01, 2004 at 08:04
Goodpal50, I don't know anything about the one that you are talking about and on the Dometic site could only find a general write up on a vaccuum flush but no specifications like the ones that you posted above. Can you give directions on how to get to them. Brian
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AnswerID: 564874

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