Submitted: Wednesday, Oct 06, 2004 at 20:29
ThreadID: 121477 Views:4997 Replies:1 FollowUps:0
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Howdy all:
There has to be a way forward out of the quick sand the BOG has stepped into. I reckon we are about neck high now so not much time left. Not wanting to waffle on about who said what and why, I would draw your attention to my previous waffling about censorship and member banning in the previous forum. One of my aims in this lively discussion was to demonstrate the potential of destructive outcomes of such a slippery path. It seems my efforts were somewhat ignored or forgotten. A public forum is exactly that "PUBLIC" and open to all shapes, sizes and colours and most of all PERSONALITIES. When a sponser attempted to dictate to the BOG his demands on the content of management this is where the bomb exploded. When any bomb explodes it does damage. Maybe the bomb had been armed before this but this is what fired the detonator.

A strategy must be developed to:
1) attend the wounded
2) assess the damage
3) find the cause
4) find the perpetrator or perpetrators
5) prevent them from doing it again.
6) learn from the experience.

1) Obviously there are wounded in this instance. Let those now responsible identify them and attempt to soothe their tormented souls.

2) The damage has the potential to destroy the group as we know it. Does anyone think two or several BOG groups is a good idea. I don't but maybe this will be the only outcome which would be a pity.

3) The cause is pretty obvious to me.

4) INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK although I might add banging their heads together seldom helps.

5) Make all members read the BOG charter and demonstrate their concurrence.

6) A more conciliarty attitude towards fellow BOGers who for whatever reason don't quite cut the mustard with our own standards. I have on occasions made the odd meowing noises during a mixed company conversation at the apropriate moment to get a simple message across. It works.
Members should be reminded that management will make decisions that they might not agree with and perpetrating mischief about it is detrimental to the group as a whole.

Core action:
The sponser must withdraw his threat or we send his money back. There are laws in this country that prohibit what he has done and he should be reminded of it. This occurrence must be prevented from happening again.

Possible Actions:
Wind back the clock to where it all began and start over again. It seems to me the voted management committee struck a good balance of capable and willing people. Volunteers are thin on the ground these days so let's not discourage them.

I vote we keep the committee as decided at Copeton.

Maybe this is ambitious but let's give it a try. This outcome will surely demonstrate we have "matured" to a point of being accused of being almost rational.

Ernie and Kay
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Reply By: Noosa Fox - Thursday, Oct 07, 2004 at 06:57

Thursday, Oct 07, 2004 at 06:57
Ernie & Kay,

We agree fully with your comments.

As this is a new group and no-one has had the experience of setting up a group that is required to operate mainly via Internet, we are all on a steep learning curve trying to work out what is required and how it can be achieved.

The thing that we have to remember is THAT IF IT TAKES A MONTH OR TWO TO GET THINGS SORTED OUT, WELL IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD, AND IS NOT A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION. A bit of patience from everyone is what is required, not critcism.

Please be patient and let us see if we can get the group who were voted onto the committee to resume their positions, and then get into discussions so that any perceived problems can be discussed and solutions found. I am sure that we can find solutions that will be satisfactory to everyone if we can firstly get some meaningful discussions going.
Enjoying the friendship of BOG members

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