F250 "Issues"

Submitted: Thursday, Oct 07, 2004 at 18:43
ThreadID: 121484 Views:4582 Replies:5 FollowUps:1
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I was talking to the local ARB guys yesterday who came up with the following comments:

1. It has been reported to them that a "significant" number of F250s have experienced observable (excessive) wear in the rear spring bolt/shackle assembly.

2. Their advice is that to tow at the 4,500kg rating using a Reese (not HR) WDH the 1,000lb unit will be mandatory and they (ARB) believe these units are not available in Australia.

Has anyone come across 1. or know any more about 2?

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Reply By: Deleted User - Friday, Oct 08, 2004 at 03:42

Friday, Oct 08, 2004 at 03:42
G'day Andy,

In a technical world ....

It would be logical to assume the ballweight limit of the new towbar will be 450kg. As it is a requirement of the F250 tow specifications that anything towed over 2500kg a WD Hitch must be fitted and set correctly .... the WD Hitch must be specified (capable) to negate the max ballweight.

So the 350kg HR WD Hitch wont cut it. Ford may release a WD Hitch spec'd at 1000lb. Hayman Reese (Aust) I'm almost positive had 1000lb bars to go into their current trunnions ? Cant see them on their website only 750lbs ? Maybe they are no longer available ? They might become available again ?

In a real world .....

A WD Hitch chain working links should be lessened ( to increase uplift) to such a degree that the front guard to rim measurement is the same after applying ballweight. Because of an F250's long wheelbase and huge weight over the front wheels (motor) even with 450kg then placed on ball it might still only need 250 -350kg to bring front back in line ?

Your system of weighing the front axle on a weighbridge would be the only way of checking it out and being accurate. The rim to guard measurement is a very good guide though ....

It might be a moot point anyway .... insurance companies like a technical world !! [smile]

Be a great experiment ...measure 450kg at the BT hitch via ballscales (now there's a word ! grin) add it to F250 ...measure front lift and see if the 350kg model can bring it back via min allowable working links spec'd from Hayman Reese (Aust) ?

As for the shackle wear .... I have never heard of it happening at all let alone significant numbers. The serious F250 boys like Graham, Yourself, Bob, Brian, et al with serious K's up on some bad roads ..... dont have a problem ...I hope ???

Shackle wear is usually a function of overloading the rear above its limit , a lack of lubrication (greaseless, factory set) dirt ingress accelerating wear ..or all three. Did ARB have a reason for the wear ....you've seen how big these shackles are ... they would take some wearing out !!!??? For a one tonne payload they are huge !!


AnswerID: 565029

Reply By: Noosa Fox - Friday, Oct 08, 2004 at 04:09

Friday, Oct 08, 2004 at 04:09
I have inspected the rear spring bolt/shackle assembly of my vehicle and to my untrained eye, there does not appear to be any wear at all. My F250 has travelled 107,000 km and 65,000 of that has been with the Bushtracker in tow. My vehicle has been regularly serviced and Ford have never mentioned any problems being found.
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AnswerID: 565030

Reply By: gottabjoaken - Saturday, Oct 09, 2004 at 04:18

Saturday, Oct 09, 2004 at 04:18
From a completely non-technical viewpoint, would it be possible that excessive shackle wear might actually be caused by travelling WITHOUT a load rather than with one?

AnswerID: 565031

Follow Up By:- Saturday, Oct 09, 2004 at 19:39

Saturday, Oct 09, 2004 at 19:39
G'day Ken,

Possibly ... but in my opinion ....

The pins/bushes wont wear without a load as compared to with a load because the greater the load... the greater the arc the pin/bush travels over wallows in the road etc. The greater the arc (movement) the greater the wear. The greater the load the greater the wear from increased applied friction between the pin and the bush contact area. I would assume, loaded, it would wear more from increased friction than potential arc increase though. It depends on the springs "rate" characteristics.

With the vehicle unloaded the pin travel through its arc is very small by comparison and the friction is much less at contact area because less is applied by no load.

The rear shackles are subject to dirt and crap thrown up from the rear tyres and eventually wear from crap getting in the pin/bush and acting like grinding paste. Lack of lubrication just causes wear from friction. The friction can also increase from lack of lubrication to an extent that it interferes with the action of the spring. Water ingress will cause corrosion which with act like grinding paste.

Shackle pins with grease nipples were invented to stop this happening. You pump grease in every now and then and water, dirt come out and the pin/bush is free to move ...less friction from being lubricated.

The F250 pin/bushes aint no baby sizes I can tell ya !! The pin diameter is 16mm ... thats 16mm !!!! HUGE !!! The pin takes a 21mm socket to undo it !! There is also two of these on the rear of each spring that spreads the wear rate .....the pins are usually surface hardened. A 1mm wear measurement probably wouldnt be picked up even ..just because of the sheer size of the thing.

I'm not saying ARB are not finding worn pins but I am saying it must have been unusual circumstances (manufacturing fault aside) especially when we see the stuff the boys get up in the BOG with F250's ....

More info is needed from ARB/vehicle circumstances as to the cause ?


FollowupID: 843937

Reply By: Andy1 - Saturday, Dec 18, 2004 at 02:37

Saturday, Dec 18, 2004 at 02:37
I posted this info to see if anyone had more light to shed on the subject. Last week we were at ARB having a long range tank fitted to the F250 & the ARB guys showed me the problem. It is pretty obvious.

We took the F250 into the local Ford dealer this am (for the 60,000k service) & raised the issue with them & asked that the unit be inspected. While waiting for Jude to pick me up overheard a guy at the counter asking for the same inspection. He turned out to also be driving an F250. The dealer has since phoned & to say there is a new kit on order. Will update when we collect the car.

AnswerID: 565032

Reply By: Andy1 - Monday, Dec 20, 2004 at 16:41

Monday, Dec 20, 2004 at 16:41
Our F250 is to be fitted with "revised spring hangers" and "revised steering drag link".

AnswerID: 565033

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