Saturday, Oct 23, 2004 at 19:39
G'day Matt,
If the owner was staying within the towing limits of the vehicle the transmission must have been faulty in the first place to have failed so early. Either that or the owner is fibbing about towing loads .... or thrashes the vehicle or both.
The F250 in the USA is rated to tow 5.5 tonnes conventional trailer and a massive 7 tonnes in 5th wheeler form. A lousy 3.5 tonnes max allowed here (til recently) will not harm the transmission beyond the slightly shortened service life because of towing ... verses not towing. Compared to the US tow specs my BT "at 3000kg" is a box trailer to an F250.
The biggest killer is heat as I said before and to highlight that here is an excerpt from a leading torque converter/trans builder ...
After 2 years of trial and error we have finally managed to find a way to lower the convertor stall speed of the A440F, A442F, A353F and A750 Toyota Landcruiser and RE4RO3A Nissan Patrol. We have found that this is a must before any V8 conversion is considered as using the standard convertor behind any V8 engine turns the convertor into an instant high stall. This will generate so much heat when the lock up is not engaged that the life expectancy of the transmission in many cases have been recorded on a regular basis to be as low as 100km with most transmissions lost at 5000km. You simply CAN NOT do a V8 conversion without altering the convertor.
The above paragraph is why most V8 conversion places recommend a manual transmission .... doing an auto is beyond their scope of engineering and is in the "too hard" basket. This leads to the fallacy that towing heavy loads is best by a manual trans ...but is more real to say the cruiser auto is not up to the job ...which it isnt unless modified. He's (Lindsay at Linquip) even tried to back up his "manual claim" by stating ...."Even the F250 auto is not up to the job "
Who knows the actual circumstances why the trans failed .... from one owners fight with Ford ... to Lindsay at Linquip (unable to engineer an auto for the conversion by the sounds of it) .... and to the
BOG with scant details of the failure.