Finally - The New Van
Submitted: Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004 at 07:27
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Hi all,
Having discovered this site a month before we took delivery of our 21" van we have been silent until now.....
Collection was very smooth - Paul as unflappable as ever - although a quick trip to buy a WDH was required. Oh for an F250 but the cruiser will have to do.....
Having taken it easy down the coast to Melbourne we are off to Tassie in January before 5 months with the kids taking in the Flinders, McDOnnells, Northern Qld, Kimberley Pilbara and West Coast WA.
By the way anyone else got a V8LC100? What sort of fuel consumption?
Anyone else (apart from TassieTrackers) with young kids? Ours are 4,2 and 9 mths - start them young!
Reply By: Motley - Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004 at 07:51
Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004 at 07:51
Congratulations on the new BT
I tow a 20'BT with a lexus LX470 - same V8 as the Landcruiser. A 15,000km trip to the top ens and through the Gulf with about 8000km off road resulted in avergae consumption of around 26l/100km.
I know it sounds a lot but in the scheme of things it isn't really. Don't over react, particularly on those days when you drive into a head wind all day!
Follow Up By: BushtrackerDevs - Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004 at 17:12
Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004 at 17:12
THanks Motley - your right about the head wind - our worst has been two tanks at 42/100 into a headwind on the Newell......Have you considered a UniChip - claims to increase power and torque by about 10-20 percent but not sure about additional engine stress etc?
Thanks for the feedback anyway!
Reply By: Tellem Bugrem - Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004 at 16:49
Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004 at 16:49
Bushtracker Devs,
You are spot on Pete, my experience with the V8LC100 is the same (26/100 and about 17 without the BT. Heard at Copeton that Toyota are testing a 5.7 V8 twin turbo diesel in Oz. When I got home, I went to our dealer and ordered one even though they knew nothing about it !!
My previous LC100 was a 4.2 diesel and I added a DTS turbo - 19l/100 with BT and 14 without. Had to be patient on the hills and as for going down steep hills the diesel is much better than the V8 petrol. (compression breaking in lower gears)
The Effie Boggers are getting 23 to 26. They are better straight-line towers, but with 17m turning circle they have difficulty in tight spots. It's all about horses for courses.
Cheers......Rob.............."Leaving on next trip soon"
Follow Up By: TripnTaps - Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004 at 18:30
Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004 at 18:30
Hi BT Devs,
Yes we have been there and done that.... we had a very nice LCV8100 petrol (late 2002) with independent front suspension.
We upgraded the rear suspension to accomodate our 18ft BT but we did not like 'the feeling' of the tail wagging the dog when something super big whipped by. We could have taken that further but then power with the van on to get away from big trucks when we highway it (we do a fair bit of highway travelling north) was a factor so we change to our great F250 and have not regretted it for a moment... the Effie is sensational as a tow vehicle and we have found a pretty damn good 4WD in sloppy conditions
As for fuel consumption with van on we were getting 27.6lt per 100km with the LC. Our Effie has only done 12,000- km and we are getting 23lt per 100km and I have heard others state 21lt with the van on when run in somewhat can be expected. It wasn't the fuel consumption that was the consideration for our changeover - it was the ease and safety of travelling over long distances regularly that convinced us.
Reply By: BushtrackerDevs - Friday, Oct 29, 2004 at 08:24
Friday, Oct 29, 2004 at 08:24
Thanks for that Helen - we have been getting in the low 30's (as long as there is no headwind...) but the cars only done 5000k s im hoping for an improvement over time......
The LC is great since we can carry an extra adult if we need to whereas the Effie only seats 5?