Submitted: Wednesday, Nov 03, 2004 at 04:07
ThreadID: 121557 Views:4221 Replies:2 FollowUps:4
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hi all
a running list of faults found during pre delivery inspections by owners would be very useful to all us who still have it in front of us
plus possible sticking points where bti are perhaps a little insistent
Stephen & Deborah

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Reply By: Deleted User - Wednesday, Nov 03, 2004 at 04:25

Wednesday, Nov 03, 2004 at 04:25
Well Stephen & Deborah you have opened a can of worms here. I have found at least one very serious wiring fault with regards to the 12 volt. I am reluctant to state this on a public because of the shool yard bully boy tactics adopted by Bushtracker towards any sort of critisism, constructive or not. This faulty wiring has the potential to set the van on fire and is a serious matter and I suspect their are more vans out here like mine. Email me and I will tell you what I found.

AnswerID: 565252

Follow Up By:- Wednesday, Nov 03, 2004 at 04:54

Wednesday, Nov 03, 2004 at 04:54
I solved the issue with a ........ I aint saying nuffin publically either ... I'm in enough trouble !!! Might not be an issue on late models ???

FollowupID: 844061

Follow Up By: Jaunty Jordans - Wednesday, Nov 03, 2004 at 10:37

Wednesday, Nov 03, 2004 at 10:37
Hi all,
This is a little concerning!!!
I'd very much like to know what this problem is and whether we have it or no before the BT goes up in a puf of smoke. A little nerve wracking to know of possible prob but no details. Can someone enlighten me via email??
FollowupID: 844062

Follow Up By:- Thursday, Nov 04, 2004 at 01:52

Thursday, Nov 04, 2004 at 01:52
Bully boy tactics are u serious I seem to remember way back when , that this site was started because the attitude of BT was less than cooperative regarding the use of wd gear and there have been other comments made which turned me off dealing with BT.
FollowupID: 844063

Reply By: Bushtracker42 - Wednesday, Nov 03, 2004 at 16:19

Wednesday, Nov 03, 2004 at 16:19
Re the bully statement, I disagree based on the simple fact that bullies are not brave.
I may stand corrected by those who know more, but my insurance rep tells me I have to minimise the impact to the insurer of any defect/issues in our work. I believe this is why certinly toyota and other companies announce issues/defects as this protects company from liability and even non coverage of insurance as well.
If the defect is that serious it would make BT a very brave bunch.
AnswerID: 565253

Follow Up By:- Wednesday, Nov 03, 2004 at 19:48

Wednesday, Nov 03, 2004 at 19:48
Its not so much a defect its a failure of good electrical worksmanship.

Its a simple problem with a simple fix ....

Every circuit must be protected from a short circuit and forms the basis of fusion protection. If there is a circuit, anywhere, unprotected, it needs to be brought into line.

When I run a wire from a battery I use some form of circuit "break" ...from a simple blade fuse up to high current manual reset breakers.

This is much more important when the wire is small ... and its small because its load current doesnt dictate a large wire (much less chaffing resistance because of small thickness outer sheath) and its connected to 300amp of batteries. (50 amp would fry this one)

I'm certainly not going to recommend/suggest a BT wiring mod publically as I aint no qualified sparky .....and get brushed off as a well meaning, self-appointed Bogger expert. I gave up on that ages ago !!

I can say I found an unprotected circuit going to my battery what anyone does about it is up to them ? I found it when changing my wiring to busbar.

Realistically .... with historical BT travels there is no need to panic as many would have fused by now ....? But it certainly isnt good practice to have an unprotected small diameter wire running through a wall, connected directly to 300 amp. I did mine just as a matter of practice when I found it.

Something to keep in mind and have it looked at by a qualified person at service time maybe.

E-mail Ernie (NomadUsR) .....


FollowupID: 844064

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