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Submitted: Friday, Dec 03, 2004 at 00:07
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Tellem Bugrem
Anyone notice the BT parked at Esk Caravan Park - Photograph in "Caravan & Motorhome Magazine No.68, p 147, with the door and annexe on the right hand side. Thought it might be the one Jay is taking back to America !
Reply By: Turist - Friday, Dec 03, 2004 at 03:05
Friday, Dec 03, 2004 at 03:05
I saw that photo Rob, thought that Steve had a relapse and built one for LHD. Thought he was back in the US.
If Tracy builds one like that he won't need to get the new Dodge converted to RHD.
But it does go to show that these magazine journo's do not check their copy. Photos in reverse are not uncommon.
And check the photo on page 28.
Totally unprotected electric brake wiring, badly positioned and looks like push fit connectors.
The gravel will soon sort that out. And that is a $63,000.00 van.
And why do manufacturers still fit 2 x 240v mains input sockets? (Page 62)
Most owners then have to resort to illegally splicing two supply cables into one so that they can connect to the one outlet supplied at a park site.
Looks like this Boroma owner has done that if you follow the cable.
Follow Up By: hendo1944 - Saturday, Dec 04, 2004 at 08:33
Saturday, Dec 04, 2004 at 08:33
Grant here from Boroma at Copeton Rally. The reason Boroma use two points ( one for general supply to Van and one for air conditioner) enables the vans to be totally legal and if an electrical warranty certfiicate is required this covers all options.
The leads we use are certainly not illegal. The two leads run down to a junction box with a circuit breaker inside, then one lead to power supply at the park.
Our junction box sits out of sight on top of the wheel.
Only to happy to send you a photo, if you are interested.
Follow Up By: Noosa Fox - Saturday, Dec 04, 2004 at 22:40
Saturday, Dec 04, 2004 at 22:40
I cannot understand what you mean by
The reason Boroma use two points ( one for general supply to Van and one for air conditioner) enables the vans to be totally legal and if an electrical warranty certfiicate is required this covers all options.
I am informed that our van now with only ONE live power inlet point is legal and we have an electrical warranty certificate for it. Our van has power going to an internal switch board with circuit breakers, and one section then goes to the air conditioner. Much the same as in a house.
Reply By: Tellem Bugrem - Friday, Dec 03, 2004 at 05:02
Friday, Dec 03, 2004 at 05:02
Hey Bob,
Perhaps the appearence that the cables join is a photographic illusion? Maybe one goes to the generator in case of Park electricity supply failure? Perhaps C&M can provide the answer although they will probably have to issue a special edition to explain all these anomolies..... A "C&M Anomolies Edition"........should sell well !!
Funny things happen.............Rob