Saturday, Dec 11, 2004 at 00:50
Hello all,
Steven Gibbs here, Director,
We need to set the record straight when we encounter this kind of disinformation that is not helpful for anyone... Not sure I am putting this in the right place after "Caveman"s "Weighty Concerns", but there were what 270 viewings of this Weighty Concerns and it is grossly misleading. I did post this as a separate item, but it need to be addressed in this thread, and I am not to sure how to do it, so here is the experiment....
1) Tare is the dry weight of the caravan as Ordered and Delivered. This does not include water in the tanks, we do not make the rules. "Caveman" saying that the tare without tanks full was "a bit sus to us" just needed the correct information.
2) Anyone that said the Tare included water in the tanks as this posting claims, would not work here at
Bushtracker. This is just a plain misquote or misunderstanding.. And no one would be that silly here at
3) We weigh the vans with all of the gear the people Order on board. To claim as this person does, that we weigh the vans without the spare tyres, solar panels, batteries, and such gear on board is incorrect and irresponsible and just plain an untruth.... I will tell you that we even weigh them with all the flat screen TVs, stereo equipment, speakers, DVD players, satellite decoders, and all the other personal electronic equipment that people have another Company like "Sound in Motion" install... That gear is not even provided or sold by us, but usually fully installed by the time we weigh the van a day or two just before Delivery. Our Tare is more than fair and correct, we even weigh them with the other Company's gear the Customer has ordered on board, even though it is not part of our gear list or Contract Delivery. To have claimed otherwise on this
forum is irresponsible and misleading to other Readers, and not fair: "Caveman" no offense, but you stand corrected.
4) Any discrepancy between Tare and Delivered weight will be the water in the water heater, about two inches of water in the tanks as they will not drain all the way out because of the suction in the loops of the vents, and water in the plumbing and pumps as we do not water test them until after the Registration Weigh in Tare.
Also in my posting, I did not mention that we fill the gas bottles, and that 18kg of gas is not in at the time of Tare either... But other than that we give a real Tare in the best interest of taking care of the Customer. We cannot speak for what other manufacturers do...
5) As to total ATM (Aggragate Trailer Mass) the fully laden weight, we have no control over how much people put on board. The weight that this posting has on it would be extreme indeed and suspect. Would suggest an immediate trip to a proper weighbridge, and assesment of the hitch which if is our regular hitch is now illegal... However, I doubt the claimed weight, it would really be an effort to load on over a tonne. Either way, everyone needs to be mindful of how much they put on board. If their requirements exceeds the hitch, it can be upgraded.. If their requirements exceed the suspension limits, it can also be upgraded.
Open note to all Readers from Directors at
Bushtracker: Please check with us on serious concerns like this open posting on "Weighty Concerns" Or, please let us know if there are any postings like this that raise serious concerns. We may not have the time to visit this
Forum but every week or two. Now a personal opinion and well meaning wish for the future: "Caveman" should have at least ask us the facts before alarming people with misinformation that is grossly misleading, and has scared some people unnecessarily...
Kind Regards to all, stg