Geni Slide and Sullage Hose Storage Pipe Photos have been added to my photo album for replying to Motherhen's querie on The Generator Acoustic Box, and to add to the KISS Storage photos in previous post.
The box is made of 8mm ply and is lined with 12mm self-adhesive aluminium foil backed dense foam sheeting which I scrounged from the local recycle shop. The box is covered on the outside with lightweight carpet. The vents, exhaust extractor and flexible exhaust hose are all available through your nearest marine supplier. The box is 390mm wide, 460mm high and 620mm long and fits neatly onto a 39/40 litre Engel Fridge Slide.
The generator can be run with vehicle closed up (Except for rear window for exhaust pipe and fresh air intake). The only noise from 5m away is the slight hiss of the exhaust air coming out. Operating temperature inside the box was 50 degrees C when I had 25mm foam lining. Whilst Honda reckon 50 deg. ambient is OK, I'd rather see it operating with lower temp. So, I am replacing the 25mm foam with 12mm stuff and this should increase air flow around the generator, hopefully running cooler. If this doesn't lower temp, I will add a 12 v computer fan to blow cool air in.
I have heard of others using this principle and would be keen to hear of their experiences. By the way, the generator in the acoustic box is only used when power is needed, and when there are nearby campers who may be concerned about noise, or if there is a nasty ranger prowling in a national park. Otherwise, it can operate in the open or out under the van.
The short leads are for connecting power leads, and one of them is made up with 15 amp wiring and a 15 amp female plug for connecting to the van power inlet.
The EU20i Honda runs the air con with ease. I think I can recall Anthony saying that it's best not to run your charger at the same time, switch off the inverter, and limit other power usage to lights, radio or TV. (Don't use electric jug, hair dryer or toaster while the air con is running off the geni.)
Obviously, if it's hot enough to use the air con, there's probably plenty of sun for the solar to keep the batteries up.
Judy (Motherhen), I hope the pictures and the above info will help.
Cheers........Rob and Liz