Due to several E-mails, Tips from the Private
Forum will be posted here on the Open
Forum for those of you that cannot get onto the Private
Forum... Most of the tips are for current
Bushtracker Owners, with ongoing maintenance, product support and the like, and those will stay on the Private
Forum. But some of the tips are more general, and those will be posted as I have time, on the open
Hello Friends,
I have had many ask me what to do in the way of security on their van when leaving it to fly home or something... Here are the two best ideas that work well:
I have left my van out in a paddock behind someones house and shed... Where my horses are... Yes I do have an alarm, but someone has to be home to hear it.... Hence these two solutions, both of which have worked very well....
A good trick I have picked up to keep the petty Crims, and kids out of my van, is I close the watertight door and put a large padlock through it instead of the locking T handle... I think this is a big deterrent, as it makes access in the "too hard" basket. It only takes a minute, and I think the windows are a bit high and the whole package a bit too armoured looking... In a good economy like this, most of the breakins are just kids that might jimmy the door. And this might just make it all look too hard... Just an idea, but it has worked for me...
Now, my Mack 4x4 Dual Cab horse truck is another question, with a half dozen saddles and tack and tools on board... Not to mention all the stereo, cameras, and other gear... There is another alarm system available with the VDO paging alarm system, that will call my mobile phone if there is any break in... I don't know if you want to do the cost, as the VDO is about $700 at last check, but it will page you up to about a half a kilometre or more away. Handy when you are in a restaurant or something.. There is a unit, that costs another $650 or so, and it will send an alarm message to your mobile phone. It is in a text message format "ALARM" and tells the time and some other information.. If you want you can get the GPS tracking module ( I didn't) and it will even tell you the Lattitude and Longitude and what direction it is going... Now that is a bit much, no one has ever stolen a
Bushtracker to my knowledge, but the mobile phone paging system is a real comfort and it only costs about 20 cents for each false alarm I accidently trigger when opening a tool box or something without turning off the alarm.. Then at least you would have the option to call someone to go have a look.... Particularly with my Mack and all the equipment on board.... I like it... And for those of you with it as your home, computers, TV's, and all the toys on board, this might be a handy option.... Cheap peace of mind if you away from your gear having fun somewhere. And I don't think I will ever leave my gear unattended with no one around to watch, anywhere there is not mobile phone access, so it works!!
I don't know if you want these kind of tips from my travels or not, but hey, while I have the time, I though I would share some of what I do in my own
Bushtracker... And I am in contact with the concerns and ideas of more Bushtrackers than anyone in Australia.. So I will continue to post as I have the time, or I hear otherwise..
In the words of Roy Rogers, "Happy Trails"
Ha! stg...